"Male Corrin" by omegazero01
How long has it been since I posted a thing here? Geez, I gotta rectify that post-haste and I don't have anything new written! Oh well, have some backlog stuff instead. XD
The second I saw the above picture, courtesy of the incredible omegazero01, I absolutely wanted to see the inevitable follow-up, and waited patiently until they opened up commissions to make good on that want. Being unable to spend my work money back then, I could only afford to pay for a lineart piece, but I managed to color the line-work they sent me well enough regardless - the result is under the cut. I also decided to color the hands of the 'lers in the same fashion as two of his Nohrian siblings, and from there I realized that I had a potential story in the making, so I gave into impulse and decided to write one then and there - also under the cut. I highly recommend checking out Omega's work - they're an amazing foot fetish artist, and their commission prices aren't too bad as such things go. I hope you enjoy this little fanfic as well in the meantime!
Oh Corrin, sweet prince, when will you ever learn that your actions have consequences? XD
Fire Emblem: Fates belongs to Nintendo.
Contains: MMFF/M foot tickling. SFW.
Word Count: 988
By Skaea
"GAAHHAHAHH N-NOOOO, PLEHEHEHEASE!" The prince of Nohr was beside himself with helpless laughter, everything around him out of focus save for the maddening feeling of horsehair bristles and the fingernails of two of his adopted siblings dancing over his tender naked soles. "I BEG YOU, S-STOP! STOOOHOHOHOAHAHAHAP!"
Xander and Camilla exchanged glances, and perhaps a pair of mischevious smirks. "Are you suuuuure~?" Camilla asked finally, giving her adopted brother her best bedroom eyes and singsong voice.
Frantically, Corrin nodded his head, clutching his ribs and laughing too hard to remain coherent. He couldn't even curl his feet to protect them, since his elder siblings had taken the time to restrain his big toes with ropes that they were now holding onto, pulling his toes back and exposing those tender arches. His stirrups were, of course, of absolutely no use.
"But this is just way too fun!" giggled Elise, scrubbing the very center of Corrin's left arch with the narrower of the two brushes. "Your laugh sounds so cute, and you're not even trying to resist it. Isn't that adorable?"
"Ignoring that he's been asking us to stop for the past five minutes straight?" replied Leon, using the larger brush to great effect on Corrin's other foot.
"LIAHAHAHARS! I H-HAHAHAVEHEHEN'T!" Corrin shot back, wiping tears from his cheeks with his front sleeve. He was about to add to that, but Elise took the chance to reach under his stirrup with her own brush, and he collapsed back into laughter again. "WAAAAHAHAHA ELISE! N-NONONO NOT THEHEHERE! I - HHH HHHHH - I C-CAN'T BREHEHEHEEEATHE!"
"Hmm. Perhaps we should take the hint for once?" asked Xander, shrugging as he pulled his hand away. Camilla gave him a slightly miffed look, but complied, motioning for the other two to leave Corrin's soles alone - for now, at least.
The hapless prince was left gasping and panting, trying to keep himself from keeling over in a dead faint. He would swear the tingling in his skin was still there. Corrin finally managed to wipe his face, and then looked at the others expectantly.
"You alright, Big Brother?" asked Elise. "You look like a big mess!"
"Wait, I do?" asked Corrin. "Uh..."
"Well, we did tickle you nonstop for the past fifteen minutes," replied Camilla. "Serves you right for putting your feet in our faces every other hour, dear..."
"Hmm? What of it?"
The others glanced at each other, looking totally bewildered.
"We thought we'd teach you a lesson for doing so," replied Xander. "No offense, but it does get somewhat irritating after a while."
To his surprise, Corrin suddenly looked rather downcast. "I know, and I apologize. But it's better than not getting to smile, if anything."
Everyone else blinked in shock.
"Big Brother... I thought you were good at handling the troubles of our kingdom?" asked Elise, patting Corrin's rope-tied ankle. "At least you have a smile on your face all the time when doing it."
"I have to, sister. I have to hide how hard it is for me. For all of us. I just wanted to find at least one time, one chance, to share a smile with all of you."
"How, by sticking your dirty toes in my ear?" asked Leon.
Camilla gave him a scandalized look. "Now now, Leon. He cleans them all the time, you know. With my assistance."
Corrin felt his toes curl as best they could.
"Still, it gets annoying after the tenth time or so," Leon shot back. "If nothing else, he ought to learn!"
"And you think I've not learned already?" asked Corrin, pouting.
The others stood silently, looking at him in surprise.
"Listen... I know how you retaliate when I do such things," he continued. "But for my taste, it's better than not having a reason to smile. I don't get that many opportunities to nowadays, and I'm not one to pass up any opportunities for such. I just hoped you four would've recognized that sooner."
Everyone else exchanged glances of confusion, followed by understanding.
"Well," Camilla said finally, "If you wanted us to tickle you, all you had to do was ask. We are your siblings, after all."
"Right!" replied Elise. "We care for you, no matter what. And we wouldn't trade your happiness for anything!"
"I... guess that makes sense," added Xander. "Your well-being does matter to the kingdom of Nohr, and regardless of how I feel about how you go about maintaining it, I wouldn't say no, exactly."
"And if nothing else, it's at least satisfying to get back at you for bothering us," added Leon, a mischevious smirk on his face.
Corrin smiled warmly. "Thank you, brothers and sisters. Oh, and please continue. I don't mind!"
"Whatever you say, Big Brother~!" Elise raised her brush with a sinister look, the others also readying themselves for the next session.
Corrin felt a shiver run down his spine, and he couldn't help but gulp audibly, the smile on his face a mix of fear and excited anticipation.
It wasn't long before the prince of Nohr was rendered all but incoherent again, wiggling and spreading his toes as laughter flowed freely from his mouth like the rhythmic chorus of the ocean's gray waves. Corrin squeezed fresh new tears from his eyes, squirming and guffawing as the brushes and fingers and all the stimulation they were inciting became all that mattered once more.
And yet, in spite of everything, he couldn't help but enjoy all of this. He was surprised to admit it to himself, but he in fact loved the way his hysterical pleading made them tickle him more intensely, how his laughter elicited that rare feeling of delight from his siblings, and strangest of all, how it made the prince himself feel at peace... if only for such a short but precious period of time.
Perhaps he should put his feet up to tease his brothers and sisters more often...
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