Here's a little something I had on my backlog for a while; I figured now was as a good time as any to post it, so it's now public! The artwork that inspired it is shown above, and was commissioned from someone who wishes to remain anonymous; the luckless soul featured is their character. If you wish to see more of their work, you'll have to talk it up via Discord PM I'm afraid because they're very secretive, but a link to the server they're on is available upon request.
I hope you enjoy this! Stay tuned for more to come (and more to cum)!
Cecil Gets Crabs
by Skaea
Contains: */M ballbusting and butt abuse. NSFW.
Word Count: 5,245
It was a beautiful and rather busy day at the beach, with waves of sparkling blue and white seawater lapping against soft, golden sand. Tourists, bodybuilders, and any typical beach clique that one could think of was enjoying the day. College kids were playing beach volleyball, strongmen (and strongwomen!) were showing off by lifting weights, children were playing in the rolling surf, and the tourists were enjoying the water while many a hot young lady sunbathed on a towel under an umbrella.
One rather large and muscular young man in particular was having a high old time showing off his strength to other bodybuilders. This particular young man was tall, proud, and sculpted like a professional wrestler — his day job, mind — with blond hair in a short ponytail on the back of his head as well as a quite boyish face and sparkling turquoise eyes, which stood out well compared to his gorgeously tanned skin. He was wearing a blue speedo that could barely contain his “package”, impressively sized and reaching down to his knees.
He was currently lifting the largest weights he could find as he stared at some rather sexy college girls, whom he was hoping to impress. It seemed though that he wasn’t having that much luck as of late, since they weren’t giving him much more than passing glances. There were so many studs to choose from, after all.
After a few minutes of this, the blond lowered his weights to the ground with a sigh of disappointment. “Ugh… what, still no volunteers? Darn, and I was hoping they’d be flocking to me all day.”
Cecil glowered as he stared enviously at the loving couples that were walking together or cuddling on the beach. They got someone all to themselves and he turned up empty? It just wasn’t fair!
“Come on, Cecil,” he muttered to himself. “You can do this. You can score at least one hot chick today.” The man stretched a little and picked up another weights, a little smaller this time so he could lift it one-handed and flex with the other.
He looked up as a girl walked past him. From the legs to the chest, the girl seemed as hot as anyone else on the beach. Her face, however, was one of an average nerdy girl. Normally he would ignore such a girl, but he was desperate. The girl seemed to be checking him out so he figured he would go for it.
“Umm… H-hello,” the girl stuttered shyly, a light blush on her face.
“Hey there, cutie. Whatcha doin’ here? Come to check out these muscles?” He wiggled his eyebrows a little and flexed.
The girl’s face turned even redder. “Umm… I was just walking by. That’s all. I’m, umm, going to go now.” She turned away from the large man and began to walk away.
A smirk formed on the face of the handsome blond, and before anyone else could react, he had grabbed the nerdy girl’s ass. The girl’s eyes widened, and she screamed as loudly as she could before smacking him across the face. “You perverted jerk! How dare you!?”
The now highly embarrassed girl ran off crying towards the women’s restroom.
Cecil smiled brightly and continued to show off his muscles and strength, heedless of the fact that scene had not gone unnoticed by a number of other people. Man that was worth it! he thought to himself. For a nerd, she has a great ass!
“What a perv!”
“Yeah, that was disgusting.”
“What kind of man does that to an innocent girl?”
As Cecil decided to head off, continuing to ignore the drama that he had caused, bystanders were whispering to each other about what they had just witnessed.
He was now heading to a group of college girls laying down on the beach under an umbrella. The girls were on their phones, reading, and talking amongst themselves as he passed by them, going unnoticed. It seemed that the girls just didn’t care about him today. He decided to walk past them again, but he once again went unnoticed. But as he was doing this back and forth trot, he stepped on and destroyed a little girl’s sandcastle. The little girl started screaming and crying, which got the attention of the girls. Finally! The girls are looking at me! Wait… No! Come back! He thought as the girls walked past him and to the little girl.
“Aww, its okay.”
“Did that mean man destroy your sandcastle?”
“Let’s build another one together!”
As the girls fawned over the little girl, he left them alone, feeling dejected. Perhaps a spot of ice cream would do nicely right now—
Someone suddenly grabbed his arm. “Hey! You stepped on my little sister’s castle! You need to apologize!” A rather cute-looking young man, about the age of twenty, was glaring at Cecil coldly.
Cecil rolled his eyes. “Yo, it was an accident bro. Let it go already.”
“No way. You made my sister cry, so you will apologize or pay.” The man clenched his fist in preparation to fight.
Suddenly, Cecil noticed something on the sand close to him, and then smirked. “Yo, what’s over there?” He asked, pointing behind the man.
“What? I don’t see anyth—” The man looked around. Cecil took the opportunity to pick up the object and then slip it into the other man’s swim trunks. “There’s nothing there. What are you trying toOOOOOWWWWCH!” The other man screamed in pain and hopped around in circles, before he fished in his trunks for the thing Cecil had put in there. “OUCH OUCH OW! DUDE, WHAT DID YOU OOOWW DO!?” The man yelled helplessly as he pulled down his trunks in front of the entire beach.
Had it not been for the signs reading “Nude Beach: No trunks? No problem!”, things would have gotten much more exciting. As it was, though, the other young man had a bigger issue: namely, a crab was currently holding onto his goods with one of its pincers.
Cecil laughed to himself and began to walk away, leaving a slew of angry tourists clamoring behind him.
I can’t remember if people get angry at me because they’re jealous or because I don’t really care about how they feel, he thought. Eh, I’ll leave that question to the philosophers.
Elsewhere, a young man with hair as blue as the ocean was sunbathing on a beach towel, but he too had heard the commotion. He sat up, lifting his sunglasses from his eyes, and glowered at Cecil. That man seemed like a public menace. If only he could do something about him, but he didn’t want to make a scene…
It was a short while before the crab from earlier came up to him, having been pulled off from its inadvertent victim and discarded. It raised its claws in the air and snapped them a few times, seemingly trying to get his attention. It worked, alright, for a few moments later he held out his hand to let it scuttle onto his palm. Lifting it up (and keeping it a safe distance from his face, of course), he observed it waving its claws about as though angry about something. Then he glanced at the blond man again, and understood.
Yep, definitely a public menace.
After all of the rumpus earlier that day, Cecil decided that he would take this opportunity to sunbathe and tan his perfect body. The beach had calmed down by this point, and all was quiet as he spread a beach towel onto the sand. “Ahhh, perfect. I can relax now. Instead of going to all those hot beach babes, they will come to me, if I stay here long enough…”
Then he sensed the presence of someone nearby. The nerdy girl from earlier had walked over to him, with a look of determination and a bit of fear. “I… I demand an apology! You had no right to grab me like that! It was rude, demeaning, and embarrassing!”
Cecil groaned and lifted his sunglasses. “Buzz off, Nerd Girl, I’m about to get the perfect tan. Go on. Shoo!”
“Excuse me!?” The girl gasped, clearly insulted. “You big jerk!” She ran off crying, again.
Cecil sighed and put his sunglasses back on, before lying down on his back on the towel with his head in the direction of the sea. A beautiful day. Beautiful beach. Screw all those people, nobody and nothing can ruin my day. …Right?
Unbeknownst to him, he was about to get his answer. He had, by sheer coincidence, put his towel down at the foot of a large sand dune, and within its depths, the forces of fate were about to turn on him.
It started as a small shifting movement in the surface of the dune. Something small was moving under the sand towards him, followed by several more of the little things. Then a very small part of the dune began to slide down towards the bottom.
“Eh?” Cecil looked up, checking his surroundings. “Thought I heard something,” He said to himself. “Whatever.” He completely ignored the sand dune and went back to sunbathing. “Mmm… The sun feels great on my skin.”
Another movement, and a little more of the sand dune began to slide down. That got his attention.
“Eh!? Okay, I definitely heard something that time. Alright, whoever you are. Stop fucking around…” That was when Cecil noticed the sand dune, and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead.
By the time he realized what was happening, it was already too late. The entire dune suddenly collapsed, and before he could even react, the dune collapsed entirely, sending a wave of sand towards him.
Spitting out sand, he opened his eyes, and realized that only his head and shoulders, and to his surprise, his enormous private parts, covered only by that blue speedo, were above the sand.
Cecil grumbled in disgust. “Ah fuck,” he muttered. “Now I gotta dig myself out…” he looked around for anyone to help him. “Yo! Help a bro out! Anyone? Anyone!?”
But nobody was near him, and no one would have cared in any case. This was a problem, because the sand was heavy, and he couldn’t move his arms and legs.
“Okay, okay. Don’t panic. Just because you’re stuck in sand and can’t move doesn’t mean it’s—” He stopped himself there. “No. It’s time to panic!” He tried to move, thrashing his shoulders and head about. “HELP! HELP ME!”
Then he saw something moving in the sand. As he watched, it came ever closer, and then just before it reached him, it stopped. And then it emerged from the sand, revealing a set of beady stalked eyes and a pair of pincers…
“Oh! Uh. Hi, there? Please don’t hurt me…”
The crab regarded him for a few moments, and then scuttled forward towards his speedo. It opened its claws—
The crab slipped its claw under the wrestler’s speedo, and suddenly started to tug. He could feel the fabric beginning to come off as the back of it started to stretch.
Then he felt the thin fabric snap under his bottom, and finally, his speedo was slipped off entirely. Out spilled the contents: a magnificent set of genitals the likes of which man had never seen. Few others could claim a sack that big, with balls the size of watermelons and a cock to match! The crab seemed almost dwarfed by the foot-long member, as thick around as a person’s arm, to say nothing of those gigantic, meaty testicles which now sat on the warm sand below it, seeming to deform a little under their own weight.
“COME ON, MAN! DON’T DO THIS TO A BRO!” Cecil cried out, panicking and afraid of what was to come next.
His limp penis lay on the sand, pointing towards his head almost like a marker of sorts. The crab scuttled towards it, seeming to rub its pinchers together. Then it stopped just as it reached the bulbous reddish head, as though sizing it up.
Cecil gasped, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. “NO! NO NONONO! DON’T DO IT!”
If the crab could understand his pleas, it didn’t care. It opened a pincer, slowly put the tips of its serrated lobes upon the surface of his cock head, and then closed it with a SNAP, trapping some of the sensitive cock meat.
“AAAAUUUUURRRGH! OOOWWWWWW! WHYYYYYYYY!?” Tears streamed from Cecil’s beautiful turquoise eyes as the pain began to overcome his senses.
The crab continued to hang on even as his cock began to swell, lengthening to a full eighteen inches in a matter of seconds. Its tip started to rise from the sand, the crab dangling from it, while movements around his dick told him that two more crabs were emerging to join them.
“NO MORE! NO MORE, PLEASE!” Cecil begged. But it was no use. SNAP! SNAP! One crab came in from the his right and seized the meaty, swollen shaft with both pincers, while the other only had time to grab the left side with a claw before his penis pitched upwards, fully erect.
Amazingly, he could feel his massive testicles beginning to swell a little as his cock throbbed and pulsated. Was he becoming aroused by the torment? How was that even possible?! Squeezing his eyes shut, tears pouring down his cheeks, he failed to notice two noticeably larger crustaceans slipping out of a small basket nearby, no doubt left out by a beachside chef, and scuttling towards him.
“OH GOD! LET GO! PLEASE LET GO! IT HURTS SO MUCH! AAAAUUURRGH!” Cecil was screaming at the top of his lungs, unable to believe that anything could exceed getting kicked and punched in the crotch during tournaments. He was never complaining about his occupation again!
His eyes opened up, and then he finally noticed the pair of lobsters, each now making its way to either side of his massive sack—
One of the lobsters nudged his enormous scrotum with a closed pincer.
The lobsters both opened their huge, powerful pincers, each as long as his forearm.
“NOOOOOO! NO MORE PAIN! PLEEEEASE!” Cecil closed his eyes tightly in preparation for the pain that was to come.
Without an iota of comprehension or sympathy, each reddish-orange crustacean put one pincer over the middle of a melon-sized testicle…
The lobsters squeezed tight with their cruel pincers, their powerful grip crushing the midsections of each nut to half their width. It was like each of them was being run over by a truck on a bicycle tire! And there were also the crabs hanging onto his penis and oh God, why was he feeling an orgasm building up inside his loins?! He could literally see the clear, sticky precum oozing from his slit…
The lobsters were brutal and unrelenting, continuing to reaffirm their death-grip as they squeezed and tugged upon their enormous prizes. He felt the pressure beginning to build up inside him, higher and higher, but there was no way he could release, not without being able to reach his monster cock, and certainly not with three vicious crabs latched upon it! Then he felt each of the lobsters put its other pincer to the bulging globe of nut meat on the side of the testicle it was clamping onto…
“NOOOOOO!!!!!!! PLEASE NNNNOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!”
It was just too much for his hold on his sperm. His eyes flew open as he let out a scream that could be heard all across the beach, a jet of semen exploding from his dock and spraying all over the sand. Some of it even landed on his face, such was the force of the spray of cum. He sprayed once, twice, three times, white spunk pouring onto the golden sand.
With the crabs and lobsters still sinking their claws into his sensitive nut meat, and now with the post-orgasm making him even more sensitive, his mind overloaded from the sheer pain. It was only a few more seconds of screaming after the flow of cum trickled off before he passed out, still partially buried under the sand.
After an hour or so remaining unconscious, Cecil began to stir. His eyes fluttered open and he groan in pain, as he was still extremely sore from his ordeal, and the claw marks on his genitals were still there, red lines upon the soft, once flawless skin.
“Ahhh… Oww…” he instinctively went to cup his injured manhood. Oh hey, I can move again. The sand is almost gone. About time. It wasn’t hard to dig himself out of the sand, grumbling to himself. He only now noticed the warning sign with a stylized crab sitting literally next to him, upon which he groaned in frustration. If he didn’t know why he shouldn’t sunbathe near it before, he certainly did now.
You know… I could go for a popsicle. That’d work wonders to take my mind off the pain…
With that thought in mind, Cecil stood up, stretched a little, and picked up his speedo. He had to resort to tying it around his waist, stuffing his swollen manhood back into the front pocket, before he headed off to find the nearest popsicle stand.
There were fewer people out and about at this time of the day. Perhaps it was because the sun was much hotter now, or simply because people weren’t as interested in remaining outside in the later afternoon. The bad news was that fewer ladies were there for him to charm, but he forced down that thought as he headed for the refreshments vendors.
He looked at the menu and decided on what he wanted then turned to the person behind the counter. “Yo. Can I have a popsicle?”
“Uh, sure?” The vendor took one out to pass to him. “That’d be three dollars.”
He blinked. Since when did these treats get so pricey?
“That’s too expensive. I want a lower price, and I don’t think I have three dollars. Got any discounts?”
The vendor shook her head. “I don’t, sorry. And nobody’s asked me to lower the prices before, either,” she added with a slightly annoyed expression.
“Come on, lady. I can do a dollar fifty. Cut a bro some slack. It’s been a bad day for me.” He sighed and tried to pull puppy eyes on the woman.
“Three dollars, no less. Sorry.”
“Alright...what about two dollars. Please?” He cringed at saying the word ‘please’.
She shook her head. “You should’ve thought about getting the money before asking, young man. If you don’t have three dollars, you’ll have to find a cheaper place.”
“Aw come on, you dumb broad! I have the money but that’s ALL the money I have right now!”
She flinched at the insult, but glared at him all the same. “Three. Dollars.”
“Fine. Take the damn money!” He threw the three dollars at her. “Gimme the popsicle so I can get out of here.”
She sighed and handed him the popsicle. “Thank you. Though calling me names is probably unwarranted—”
“Ah shut it, old lady. You don’t gotta be so stingy when it comes to pricing.”
She gave him a typical retailer’s smile, but deep down inside, she was probably demanding for him to leave.
Cecil snorted, and then turned and left without even a thank you. He would never know that someone else had observed the entire conversation…
Cecil was almost done with his popsicle and was about to take the last bite when something touched his foot. He looked down — and gasped in horror.
It was the same crab he had slipped down someone’s pants much earlier.
Upon seeing how close the crab’s claws were to his toes, Cecil let out a high-pitched, girly scream and dropped the last of his popsicle onto the sand.
“AAAHHH! NOOO! GET AWAY!” He yelled and kicked at the crab, sending it flying a few feet through the air. In so doing, he lost his balance for a second, spinning around on his other foot for a second before staggering backwards. He felt something cold and wet underneath his foot and before he could react, he slipped, his body flying through the air and landing bottom first onto something hard — and very hot!
Cecil leapt off the hotdog burner, clutching his seared bottom. “OOOWWWWCCHHHIIIIIEEE!!!” The instant he found his feet, he ran for dear life past the food stalls, looking for something to soothe the burns. His eyes fell on a large fish tank full of water—
“YES! WATER! WATER! SWEET WATER!” Before anyone else could react, he had rushed for the tank, and ignoring the startled cries of a number of diners, he dunked his burning buns into the cool water, sighing in relief.
“Aaaahhhhhhh…” He smiled in contentment, wiggling his buttocks in the water for several moments. Then he felt something touch his bare bottom, causing him to look down.
“OH NOOO!” He gasped and tried to scramble out of the tank. “NOT AGAIN!!”
The tank, as it turned out, was among the property of a seaside restaurant which served, among other things, live lobsters. Well, fresh lobsters, anyway. Every single one was going to find itself in hot water before long, but none of them knew it… all they cared about now was the unwelcome presence of a bare behind in the same body of water.
Struggling to escape the tank, the blond wrestler managed only to plunge his ass deeper into the water, more of the lobsters joining in the relentless assault. And things only got worse when another, softer target took a dip as well.
Finally, he managed to tip the tank over, spilling the water and the lobsters onto the floor. Patrons got up and scrambled out of the way with yells of panic as Cecil took off and away, holding onto his crotch and pulling off any lobsters that were stuck on his manhood. Two lobsters had grabbed onto each wiggling buttock, and held on as he ran across the beach.
Cecil had tripped over something and taken a nasty tumble, rolling on the sand. This thankfully dislodged the lobsters on his rear as well. Once he came to a stop, he slowly sat up, groaning and holding his crotch with one hand and his butt with the other.
Then he heard the sound of someone sniffling, and saw the little plastic flag.
“Oh, not again.” He looked around and sighed. “Uh… sorry…”
Shaking the sand from his hair, Cecil sat up and surveyed his surroundings. In his haste to get the lobsters off, he had accidentally tripped over a second sand castle, built by none other than the same girl he had upset earlier. And there was her brother, who was looking very angry indeed.
Finally, the girl burst into tears. Several other people around the scene were also giving the wrestler some very hostile glares, while others were heading over to comfort her.
Cecil began to panic. “I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry, bro! If you wanna fight, I’m all for it!”
The other man’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, you’ve done it now. And no, I’m not gonna take you to task. I don’t need to!”
“Oh yeah? Try me!”
He smiled mischievously. “I’ve got a few friends who can do that for me…”
Before Cecil could react, he had yanked at his speedo, and dumped in a couple of crabs that had emerged from the sand and daringly approached the scene. “Haha! I hope you enjoy it!”
“Wait, enjoy w—!” His eyes widened, the feeling of pointed legs jabbing into his cock and balls telling him all he needed to know.
“That! That pain! I win!” He laughed and threw his arms in the air.
But it was too late, and the crabs had claws they were very eager to use…
By this point, a crowd of people had begun to form, circling Cecil and laughing at him. A few people were whispering and pointing while others were shielding the children. Teenagers and college kids, meanwhile, were busy mocking and making fun of him.
One would think that Cecil had had enough by this point, what with the pain from the crabs and the insults being slung his way. However, he threw up his middle fingers and started throwing insult back. “That all ya got!? I can take more! I dare you to throw more at me!”
“YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!” Cecil howled in pain.
“I CHANGE MY MIND! NO MOOOORRRRE! OOOWWWIIIIIEEEE!” Still screaming in pain, Cecil sprang to his feet and, ignoring the jeers of the tourists, fled the scene, at least as much as he could with crabs clamped onto his crotch.
This was such a bad idea, coming here, Cecil thought miserably some time later, nursing his injured groin. I’ve gotta get out of here, before more of the crabs come!
Cecil walked out of the bathroom, looked around to make sure no crabs were around to torment him, then walked out, with his towel around his waist.
Just then, a beach ball came out of nowhere, bonking him on the head. It was thankfully relatively lightweight, so it didn’t do much damage, but it was nonetheless worth noticing.
“ACK! WHO THREW THAT!” He glared and looked around as he held his head. “I’LL PUNCH WHOEVER THREW IT!”
“Sorry!” someone else called out. “My bad, misjudged where it’d go!”
Cecil relaxed a little and picked up the ball, putting a fake smile on his face. “Hey, no worries, Dude! Yo, care if I join?”
The volleyball team expressed general assent. Evidently they hadn’t gotten word of his actions previously, but they were at least willing to give him a chance, he figured that much.
“Come on, guys. Please? I’m a fun guy! I’ll prove it!” He flexed his muscles a little, trying to gain their assurance.
“Sure, dude! Go on ahead!” Someone tossed the ball at him as he approached.
“Sweet! Thanks bro!” He smiled and caught the ball then headed to one of the sides. “Who’s server?” He asked, tossing the ball in the air and catching it.
“You are!” one of the other players replied.
“Sweetness!” He smiled brightly then got into position. He hit the ball over the net. “Awesome serve, am I right?”
“Agreed!” one of the other players replied, before knocking the ball back over the net towards him.
Cecil went to knock it back… only to purposefully hit it as hard as he could at his teammate. It hit his teammate right in the back of the head, knocking him down. “Whoops! Sorry, bro!” He smirked a bit. “I didn’t mean to!” Cecil snickered.
Outraged cries came up from everyone else on the field. The ball, however, ricocheted and hit Cecil in the stomach, causing him to fall to his knees, gasping for air. The ball bounced off of the sand, hitting him on top of the head. Then it went flying, hitting a few other startled people as well, as if it was a pinball machine. Soon things were being destroyed. Another sandcastle was hit and flattened. Even the popsicle stand from earlier had gotten knocked over, and now people were screaming and running for their lives from the wayward volleyball, all while Cecil continued standing there, dumbfounded, dozens of people giving him enraged looks once again.
“Aw man…” Cecil groaned.
The ball flew back towards him and suddenly hit him in the head again, this time knocking him unconscious.
When he regained consciousness, the poor man was once again buried in the sand. His head and genitals were the only parts of him exposed to the elements. A crowd of people had circled around him, all of whom were looking equally enraged and, to his abject dread, eagerly anticipating something.
Someone spoke up. “This is what happens when you’re a total jerk at the beach!” It was the man from earlier who was speaking, the one whose trunks he’d put a crab inside all those hours ago. “This is payback for what you did to me. Get ‘im, guys!”
But of course, there was no mercy, and no escape. The crowd lined up and, even as he screamed and begged, started to take turns stomping on his exposed manhood.
“AAAUUUUGH!! OOWWW!!!” He squealed and tried, in vain, to break free of the heavy, stifling sand. Each attempt was cut off when a foot pressed down on one of his massive testicles, the pain shooting through his guts, his cock hardening as the torment intensified.
The jeering only grew louder as this happened. “Ohh! Is that… are you excited?” “Are you enjoying this punishment?” “In that case, we should give you more!”
“NOOO! NO MORE! PLEASE!” Cecil sobbed, whimpering like a child.
The crowd continued to mock him as they beat his manhood. Some stomped as hard as they could, while others slapped and punched his tortured member. A few people even bought out some heavy sticks and took a swing at his manhood, making him shriek like a schoolgirl. And all the while, his member grew harder and harder.
Once everyone had a turn, the man and some other members of the crowd bought forth a massive bucket, seemingly full of water. “Here, enjoy this! I’m sure you will!”
But the crowd wasn’t swayed. Even as he screamed in protest, the bucket was tipped over, spilling its contents onto his genitals. Six gallons of water… and several dozen crabs.
Cecil’s eyes widened in pain, tears falling down his cheeks as every single crustacean took hold of his nut and cock meat with a pair of powerful pincers.
The crowd erupted into laughter and applause, the crabs heedless of the noise as they continued pinching his helpless privates. His screams carried all across the beach, and it seemed that he was going to continue screaming for a very long while. Once he was freed or managed to escape, he promised himself, he’d never get within a mile of this stretch of beach ever again!
Not too far away, the young man with sea-blue hair calmly observed Cecil’s torment, a small crab sitting next to his beach towel on the sand.
The man smirked in satisfaction, before turning to the crab. “You know, sometimes I ask myself: Which is better, the looks on the faces of those jerks when you guys teach them a lesson, or the way they scream?”
The crab raised and lowered its claws, in the closest equivalent to a shrug.
The sea god chuckled, a look of quiet satisfaction on his face. “Eh, you’re right. I suppose we can indeed leave that question to the philosophers.”
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