Happy (late) New Year, everyone! Been a little busy as of late so I haven't been able to get much writing done and probably won't for a while, but I'm still working on it when I can. Here's a story in my backlog based on an RP I did with a friend on Discord, from whom I got permission to edit and share publicly! I played the slime boy Haru, my friend the wolf kemono Thorun. For reference, the links below are what I imagined them to look like, though these two pics are obviously not meant to be the characters themselves, just rough approximations. Thorun would likely have a good deal more muscle than in the ref pic and Haru would look more adult-like, but that would probably have to be left to the reader's imagination.
Hope you guys enjoy this! I've got at least one other story I'm working on with another friend as well, so that should be up on both this site and my DeviantArt as soon as it's ready!
Soft light filtered through the forest canopy, the patterns of light and dark shifting subtly across the dirt path. Thorun lay in the shade of a tree off to the side, having just woken up from a pleasant nap. Despite his body being almost entirely human, it was clear that the burly yet youthful wolf-man was a man of the wilderness, with scars on much of his body and dark scruffy hair that hung down to his shoulders, his canine ears and bushy tail sporting lighter gray fur. The big boy only wore tattered clothes over his body, not even trying to hide his massive swinging fruit and his five inches of soft human cock.
His nap had been disrupted by a movement off in the distance. Looking up, a most unusual sight greeted him: another monster boy moving along the forest path. It was clear that the newcomer, a red slime boy, was quite lost, but his carefree look showed that he didn’t really mind.
“Oh! Hello,” the slime said when Thorun caught his eye. “Erm, do you know where I am right now? I think I must’ve made a wrong turn somewhere-”
“Hmm? Where you are?” Thorun tilted his head quizzically. “No. Home, though. Live here.”
“...huh.” The slime looked a little disappointed. Then he noticed that Thorun had sidled up to him, sniffing him a few times. “Uh... Whaddya want, anyhow?” he asked, sounding a bit uneasy.
“Horny. Lonely,” Thorun responded curtly, waving down at his crotch. The slime looked down and understood.
“...hm. Yeah, I can understand why you’d be interested. And you’re pretty handsome, too, but I don’t have-”
“Don’t care. Can help, but do favor first!”
“Lead you to other path. Take you to next human place. Deal?”
The slime paused in thought. Anyone else would be uncomfortable, and understandably so. But then he glanced at Thorun’s groin again, and an idea came to him. “Hmmm. Alright, but on one condition.”
The wolf-boy nodded. “Thorun listening.”
The slime smirked. “We do this my way, duh. Do you happen to have any healing magic?”
“Hmm? Uh... Yes, but why?”
The goo boy paused. “Well, you’ll find out soon enough. But for now, would you be alright if I took a look at your private parts? Just for a bit?”
Thorun shrugged. Wordlessly, he sat down beneath the tree again and lifted his loincloth. His balls twitched a little as they were fully revealed, each one the size of a honey melon.
The slime reached forward, and gently cupped the massive orbs with both hands. “Oh wow, soft yet firm,” he said with a smile. “But perhaps a closer look would be helpful. If you don’t mind... can I try taking a peek inside them?”
“I-inside?” Now it was Thorun’s turn to look nervous. “Y-you go in Thorun’s balls?!”
The slime nodded. “It won’t be bad, though, don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”
Thorun huffed and shivered in place, “I-if feel good... maybe,” he said finally, his hand already on his crotch as he started stroking himself in preparation. “Oh, forgot. Name?”
“Oh, me? I’m Haru. You’re Thorun, right?”
He nodded. “Thorun horny. Make it good~”
“Eh. Can’t promise that yet. But suit yourself~” With that, the slime reached forward, tapping a goopy fingertip against the head of Thorun’s member. Then as Thorun watched, he started to slide his fingertip into the slit, the slime narrowing and flowing like water. Before he knew it, the goo boy had slid his whole arm into the cock, stretching it out a bit as he reached the base and slipped into the vas deferens.
Thorun let out a soft whimper as his cock was stretched to a greater extent than he thought possible. His vas deferens were also distended beyond normal as the slime found his way through his ball tubes, splitting into two streams of goo along the way. Still, he kept pumping himself, trying not to ruin this for the slime boy who seemed to be dominating him.
As Haru finally reached Thorun’s massive balls, he found that he could comfortably fill them up with most of himself, the countless tubules within feeling like a thick fur-lined jacket. But he still had to get the remaining tenth of himself inside, and so he forced the rest of his form in, causing the organs to swell out just a little, bloating enough to start aching.
“There we go~” his voice resonated in Thorun’s head. “This actually feels rather nice...”
The wolf man yelped and groaned, slumping to the ground as his normally fat honey melons swelled up even more. The slime felt them compress around his body, almost too heavy now to even lift off the ground. Thorun grabbed onto a nearby tree root as tight as he could, his balls throbbing and sloshing a bit. “Hu-hurts...” he whimpered out.
“...Oh geez, uh. Getting kinda cramped in here...” Haru had a teasing tone in his voice, but also genuine concern for the poor wolf-boy as he felt all the intrusive seminal tubules brushing and tickling against his form.
“M-my balls... What doing??” Thorun moaned as he curled up slightly, his cock throbbing rapidly as he felt the slime messing around in his balls. Every movement was now brushing against the sperm-making filaments, and each and every one was so packed with nerves that it felt like the insides of his balls were on fire.
“I gotta make some room,” Haru’s voice replied, a bit muffled from deep inside his manhood. “It’s gonna sting a lot, hope you don’t mind...”
“Ma-make room?!” Thorun asked in a sudden panic, now wondering if the slime might get rid of two very specific parts of his body.
That question was answered when what appeared to be a mouth had manifested inside one of his gonads, and now it was nibbling on some of his seminal tubules as though testing the potential reaction. The slime boy hoped he wouldn’t mind, especially since he was definitely going to have a drink of sperm and he needed some wiggle room to access it.
Thorun, meanwhile, felt the sudden jolt of agony, and squirmed around in response, his legs kicking in the air a bit as he lay on his back. “P-pain!!” he gasped out, now realizing just how easy the stringy bits were to chew through. Even as his cock was ready to blow, the wolf-boy’s eyes widened in horrified realization. “N-no! Do-don’t eat Thorun’s balls...!” he begged, though it was probably far too late to prevent that from happening.
“I’m not gonna gobble ‘em up entirely, okay? I just need to give myself some space. Uh. Is just going partway okay, since you can heal and the like?” As Haru said this, another mouth manifested up in his other gonad and started nibbling at that point.
Thorun let out an anguished groan, his balls throbbing. “I-it okay?” he asked, not really understanding what that might entail but still rightly alarmed.
“I mean, you won’t be mad if I didn’t eat all of this stuff, right~?” Haru asked in a slightly flirty tone. “I’ll keep the outsides intact, don’t worry. You’ll be back in one piece before you know it...”
Thorun gave a series of whimpers and whines as he felt a few more nibbles, but he couldn’t refuse, not after Haru had made it this far. “Wh-What Thorun get for feeding slime?” he asked.
“The orgasm of a lifetime~” Haru teased. “I gotta get outta here after all... If you would do the honors~”
“L-lifetime? Thorun wi-will do it!” said the wolf-boy, the prospect of a mind melting orgasm steeling his resolve.
“Excellent~” With that, Haru formed a few mouths in each of Thorun’s gigantic gonads, and they started to chew and tug at the noodle-like tubules in the hopes of clearing out some space. The leaking sperm was also imbibed as he continued chowing down, gradually hollowing out each gargantuan gonad.
Thorun’s clawed fingers dug into the soil as he rolled over onto his stomach, his balls turning steadily lumpier as he whimpered and groaned more and more. Haru had found an excellent source of food in the form of those hyper-sensitive tubules, but the process of eating them was absolutely excruciating. Most men would faint outright from the extreme pain, but Thorun swore up and down that he was made of tougher stuff.
Still the slime boy continued tugging and chewing on his delicate nut insides, hollowing them out gradually and savoring the taste of fresh pup-maker. He could also feel cum of his own building up within him as he slowly consumed Thorun’s manhood bit by bit, causing white hot agony with each nibble.
Eventually, Thorun couldn’t hold it in anymore. The next time he opened his mouth to breathe, a terrible scream came out, and if there were any woodland creatures nearby they would no doubt be running for cover.
“Hang in there! I’m almost done!”
Thorun continued crying out, the slime boy thoroughly emasculating the unfortunate wolf man as the latter’s rather tasty nut guts were chewed and dissolved into nothing. Thorun continued gripping the same tree root, gritting his teeth and growling, giving little huffs, puffs, snarls, and moans between his howls of agony.
The centers of each of his gonads were gradually being hollowed out; his balls felt a little more squishy now, with every hyper-sensitive nerve ablaze with sheer pain. At the same time, a massive orgasm was indeed building pressure deep inside him, surely making him rock-hard even in the midst of all the pain of those little mouths biting and tugging at his semen tubules like sperm-drenched spaghetti. Thorun prodded his cock against the ground weakly, the monster member throbbing a harsh shade of red, and grabbed a stray piece of wood to bite down on. Growling as his eyes squeezed shut, he began to suspect that his ability to breed was now completely nil at this point, though his slightly stretched cock was ready to fire whatever the slime had promised.
To Haru’s credit, he left the testicle walls largely intact; that way at least Thorun’s healing could restore his goods after the ordeal was over. However that didn’t change the fact that all of his nerve endings inside were screaming in utter agony and also his orgasm was now lurching through him with incredible force. The slime boy started feeling himself being sucked out of each gonad and then drawn through the epididymis like he had been inside a pair of tanks and someone had opened the drainage valves...
The wolf man growled and snarled, howling out in agony as he wondered if he should regret agreeing to this, his still-living nuts slowly being consumed by the goo within. The orgasm was backed up as Thorun’s howls and moans of anguish and arousal could be heard from a significant distance away.
“S-so... much... PAAAAAAAAAIIIINNNN!!” he cried out as Haru continued consuming his precious testes, each one swollen like a beach ball by now.
Deciding to make every little bit count, Haru started nibbling on the outer walls now, from the inside, now that all the delicate inner workings had been consumed. The action only increased the painful sensation, and the building pressure of the massive orgasm Thorun was feeling...
Thorun prayed the orgasm was what he was promised, or Haru might find himself in a lot of trouble! The eating of the shells left his sack slowly becoming more and more sloshy as the goo filled up the soon-to-be-empty pouch. Thorun lay on the ground now, eyes crossing and saliva dribbling from his mouth as his cock throbbed rapidly, his body trying to expel the very thick load.
As the last of his gonads were painfully consumed, Haru decided to step it up. He hadn’t told Thorun that he was the kind of lewder slime who had a special trait, and now he brought into play. Without the wolf-boy knowing, he had, this entire time, secreted a substance that soaked into Thorun’s balls and now his empty sack from the inside. This had an aphrodisiac effect that increased everything Thorun had felt and pumped up his libido. Haru’s gelatinous body now began to ripple and vibrate, stimulating the skin directly as the effects of the drug took hold in earnest.
Thorun growled and huffed, burning pain coursing through his body as the lust kept him hard as ever. Only the cords were left, two tubes for the goo to exit through as the wolf man unconsciously started humping the ground as he was still drooling. His body working extra hard to try and cum, Haru seeing his healing already taking on slowly, forming the bottoms of his balls at the ends of his cords, though it had some holes that begin to pull Haru through, almost taking the pouch with him as he had it stuck to his goo. His cock throbbing painfully hard as with each throb came a thick glob of the boy pushing out, Haru hearing the boy howling hoarsely.
Haru begins to fell himself being drawn out, letting the aphrodisiac soak into the tubes as well. He decided to let the testicles go so they can recover, deeming it time for Thorun’s reward. “Try and hold it in until I tell you, like a good wolf boy~” he said as he began to clog and congest the vas deferens, letting the pressure build up until he was ready to release...
The wolf man was bwerely listening, the boy dripping with sweat and clawing at the ground, his body slowly giving out as his cock throbs hard, swollen at this point from waiting for so long. “C-cuuuum....” he groaned.
Haru felt his own lust building up in his blobby form, as though he were jacking himself off as well throughout his meal. He waited and waited and waited, thrusting back and forth along the insides of Thorun’s sperm tubes to build up the pressure, until finally...
“NOW!” he cried as he released his hold, letting the wolf-boy’s mind-blowing release do the rest. The result was a fountain of red goo exploding from his member all over the floor and the newerest wall, the slime boy being reduced to liquid from the force of the blast like he was being ejected from a fire hose...
Thorun thought he’d be in for a mind-melting experience, but the actual climax felt somewhat underwhelming, though it was still a great orgasm. Haru was launched with rapid ropes of his goo slapping into the wall as the wolf gave a hoarse howl, his voice slowly giving out as more and more of the goo was shot out onto the forest floor. Once Haru was almost completely out of there, his orgasm died down to a trickle and he collapsed on the ground, trembling a bit.
Haru slumped to the ground himself in a puddle of goo. He had the faintest feeling that Thorun would be disappointed in him - perhaps he’d promised too much regarding that final blowout, especially since he’d likely overdone it while inside... Oh well. At least it was worth it. “...you holding up... okay...?” he said with a tired but satisfied sigh.
Thorun was a bit out of it, the wolf man’s body trembling as he lied there, his cock slightly gaping and his eyes rolled back. He rolled over to lie on his back, his completely empty sack now nothing but a flat pancake of skin.
Haru felt a twinge of sympathy for the exhausted wolf boy. “Oooh... Must’ve overdone it, sorry. Uh... you’re not mad... a-were you?”
The wolf-boy whined as he curled up, giving a small thumbs up as he clutched at his emasculated sack and his softening cock. “J-Just hu-hurt more than feel good...”
Haru would melt even more if he could, not to mention turn even redder as well. “Oooh... S-sorry ‘bout that... mental note, safewords were there for a reason. But, uh... didja like it, at least? You c-can say no, I won’t be mad...”
He whined and gave a little nod, the soft cock drooling lightly as he lies there. “O-oh they hurt, but they gone.”
Haru blinked. To his amazement, he saw that Thorun had not been making up the fact that he had healing powers. There were two orbs were the size of peas inside the scrotum now, slowly retaking shape.
He slithered over, wondering what to do. Then he reached out with a gooey hand and tapped the base of the sack with a finger.
A sudden tingling sensation made Thorun lift his head to look at Haru. “Uh? What do?”
“Just gave you a spell that accelerates regeneration,” Haru replied, watching the magic make its way towards his recovering gonads. “I, uh... Hope this helps...”
Thorun was grateful for that, admittedly, but he winced and writhed on the ground as the testes healed faster, the wolf-boy panting and jutting his hips into the air. It hurt almost as bad as when they were being eaten alive! He thrusted a few times, his cock hardening a bit as he panted and groaned, the aphrodisiacs and healing magic wreaking havoc on the still-growing orbs.
Haru tried to help as best he could, using his slimy limbs to start jacking him off, in the hopes of getting him to dispose of any excess of his essence in there. It was the best he could do after emasculating him the way he had.
Haru continued pumping, now leaning forward to kiss the head of Thorun’s cock. Jolts of pleasure shot through Thorun’s spine as the sensation registered, little drops of precum oozing from the slit as the growth of his testes continued.
Then Haru’s tongue licked against the slit, teasing and tasting. As Thorun continued moaning, he reached down to try and stroke himself, but Haru had gotten there first. It was like his crotch was being drenched in sweet-smelling lotion, softening the flesh and making it ever-more sensitive.
Thorun moaned, thrusting in spite of himself and deep-throating the slime boy with his enormous cock. He was lucky Haru was made of goop or he could’ve choked him by accident! But it didn’t matter, the slime was pleasuring him inside and out, his balls were now almost half their full size and full to bursting with cum...
Haru didn’t stop to think. His tongue still threaded through Thorun’s urethra, he sucked upon the juicy member, his mouth engulfing the whole length down to the base, his whole body rippling like a vibrator.
The effect was instantaneous. The wolf-boy let out a deafening howl as he unleashed a torrent of seed, Haru’s tongue being evicted in a white spray that turned the interior of slime’s goopy mass an opaque white. As the promised orgasm continued, the pressure forced his cock out of the goo boy’s mouth, resulting in Haru getting a hosing of seed in his face, the wolf howling and whining as the fresh orbs continued weakly bouncing up and down.
Finally, it was over. The sperm had been absorbed into Haru’s mass, and once he wiped his face clean (having reformed in the process of jacking Thorun off), he couldn’t help but whistle in approval. “H-how are...?”
The wolf man lay there, trembling and huffing out, whimpering soon following as his balls kept growing back to normal “Go-Good!” He replied, his mood suddenly changing as the wolf man lied on his back
The slime boy paused, blinking in surprise. “...should I keep going, or were you good to go now?”
“I-I-I’m great~” He said, panting on his legs stayed open, all sensitive as he practically melted from the pleasure. “So-sorry, came haaaaard~”
The slime boy sighed in relief, continuing to pump him. “I’m glad you liked it,” he replied. “...wait, you’ve already recovered? I know I gave you healing juice but that was kinda quick...”
“I-I heal quick.” He explains as his sensitive shaft is rubbed, enticing some more to dribble out weakly*
Haru continued pumping the wolf boy, and then soon he got an idea. So he decided to open his mouth, and then engulf the other’s massive member in it, and start sucking.
The wolf man groaned as his sensitive tool is engulfed, he gave some hip thrusts into his mouth, his hands holding onto his head. Grunting and huffing as he fucked his face once again, he started feeling a surge of hormones as his dominant mood kicked in. “Hhhhhm, t-take it!” he groaned, his orbs slapping against Haru’s chin.
The slime decided to take it even further as he starts feeling aroused himself. Before Thorun could respond, Haru’s tongue had narrowed in width, and then dipped inside the slit, sliding down his urethra, forming little tastebuds all over it that caressed and rubbed against the inside in an explosion of stimulation.
He howled out and held onto the goo, keeping himself hilted in his face. “Wh-wha?” He bwerely gets to ask as the tube slips down his cock, bulging his urethra out with the shape of it slipping down to the source of the cream.
Haru gave him a look saying “just trust me” before proceeding. Thorun seems to feel a suction inside his dick, the tube beginning to widen and stretch his urethra out as Haru continued with the blowjob, preparing to extract one last serving of his seed.
“AAHHH! NOT AGAINNN!” The wolf-boy groaned and held him close, gripping Haru’s head tight as he stretched his urethra out once again, making it a wide tunnel that Haru is able to slurp up the seed easily. His balls drawing up multiple times as his fresh seed was drank from the source!
Haru continued suckling further, driving him to more and greater depths of orgasmic bliss; as he does, the pipe begins thrusting in and out, growing tiny bumps to stimulate the urethra, while tiny feelers grow on the inside of his mouth and begin to brush against the head and shaft of his cock to further raise the pleasure level. The release was just a few seconds away!
Thorun growled as his cock was stimulated from within, gritting his teeth and giving tiny thrusts as his orgasm built higher and higher. The pressure built to new heights, both of them feeling a greater degree of arousal than ever before. Thorun’s balls were now at full size, swollen to bursting point with cum, and there was only one way it could go: out.
There was another spurting noise as Haru was rewarded with a torrent of seed flooding into his body, spurts of white mixing in with his goo as Thorun huffed through his orgasm. The slime boy drank up one last and especially large amount of sweet and salty cum, his interior now more of a pale pink than the usual red. It was almost like the dessert capping off his previous meal.
It was a while before he finished, but once the orgasm was done, he withdrew his mouth and tongue, and looks down to see a pink puddle of spooge on the floor - his own semen.
“W-wow... uh... That was an... experience, to say the least,” he chuckled, before moaning in pleasure one last time over the dwindling arousal.
Thorun himself was left panting softly as he bathed in the afterglow. “I-I-if goo wants more later, i-I’ll have more later~” He swooned into the air, almost cooing from his pleasure.
Haru sighed in relief, feeling a bit sloshy from all the cum and nut meat he’d ingested. “I certainly hope so. Thank you, Thorun. Thank you so much.”
Before the wolf boy can react, the slime pulls him into a hug. “So, uh... friends, right?”
He gave a little thumbs up, the woof drained as he plops into the hug, his leg twitching a bit as he almost melts in the afterglow. “F-friends.” He said as he nuzzled him.
Haru couldn’t help but smile. He was understandably worried that Thorun wouldn’t like his actions earlier, but he was glad it had all worked out. No, it was better. Now he had a companion in this strange new world, and one who was willing to get frisky with him as per their desires, mind. Perhaps next time they met up, he thought to himself, he’d ask if he could try something like this again.
“So, uh... about the way to the next town...?” he asked finally.
“Ah, Thorun and Haru made deal. Yes, Thorun will help you. But... can goo visit again? For more?”
“Absolutely. Just mark the spot on the map, and I’ll remember it for the future!”
Thorun nodded and grinned, happy to have found a new friend with benefits. “Hope goo does! Follow Thorun. Take to next path. Come back soon!”
Haru smiled back. “Will do. Lead the way!”
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