This story was based on an RP I did with someone on Discord who wishes to remain anonymous. Not much else to say other than that we both had way more fun with it than we thought we would. Hope you enjoy, and more stories to come here soon! :)
Deal with the Devil
by Skaea
Contains: M/M
and */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling; */M ballbusting; M/M
urethral play. NSFW with sexual elements, but no permanent trauma.
Word Count: 3,808
________________________________________The demon spawned out of your magical circle exactly as planned: his handsome head, his magnificent size 16 feet, and his sizable privates being the only things visible, as though growing from the floor. This was his first time he had been summoned by a person into the mortal realm, and now he was well and truly stuck. Exactly as planned.
You smiled as you looked down at the crimson-skinned figure, or rather the bits of him sticking out of the circle. “Hello, Amon~” you cooed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“W-What?” Amon tried to pick himself up, but he felt himself be paralyzed… except for his head, feet, cock, and balls. He shook his head about a little, his black mohawk quivering, his coiling, addax-like horns waving about, but to no avail.
Satisfied with the setup, you smiled and sat in front of his massive feet. “How are you, Amon? Are you willing to help a pal out right about now…?”
“W-What is the meaning of this?!” Amon tried to make himself sound more sophisticated than he actually was. And yet, his toes instinctively curled when you sat in front of them.
Undeterred by the failed attempt at intimidation, you reached out and then let your fingertips rest on his arches. “Oh, you’d like for you to be a toy of mine for tonight~ Nothing too serious, just a little fun!”
“H-Hmmmmph…!” Amon tried to hold his breath. His enormous feet were soft, pillow-soft in fact, with blemish-free skin and bubble-like pads to the toes. He desperately tried to remain sane, but it was clear that it was easy to make him laugh.
“What do you say? You down for a little session tonight? And maybe tomorrow night too, and the night after that…” You slid your fingers down his arches as you said this, a cheeky grin on your face.
“W-What’s your offeheheheheheheher?!” Amon’s feet shook around a little. Demons usually required payment in return for favors.
Without a moment’s warning, and with an evil grin, you spidered all ten fingers all over his soles. You said no words as you did so, but there was no need.
“GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” Amon tried to move, but of course that failed, trying to cover one foot with the other. And what’s more, his cock was starting to twitch a bit.
You grinned at the massive cock being aroused before you. “Well well, seems like you’re going to let you do it for free~” You continued spidering your fingers all over his feet. “Or you could continue tickling you like this?”
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!!” His cock got harder, involuntarily splaying his toes.
“So, is that a yes or no regarding letting you have fun with you~?” You continued tickling up to the bases of his toes as you asked this.
“S-STOP TICKLIHIHIHIHIHIHHING!!! H-HAVE YOUR FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHHUHUN!!!!” Amon was almost hiccupping from how hard he was laughing. His cock was growing to its full length and girth…
You smiled cheerily, and finally stopped, letting him rest for a moment. “Fair enough~ Well, I’ll definitely be using that later…” you replied, right before you poked his swelling cock.
“O-Ohh…!” Amon’s toes curled from the feeling of his cock being touched. It throbbed and twitched, just waiting to be played with…
You smiled cheekily, and slid a finger down his cock, just light enough to tickle.
“Ahahahahahaha…!” Amon laughed and gasped a bit, his cock almost fully hard.
“Oh, that reminds me~” You take out a magic book, and open it up to a certain page. “Perhaps you could introduce you to some friends~”
“Friends?” Amon didn’t really have a choice but to ask. “Who are these friends?”
Without answering, at least not right away, you recited the spell, and a jar appeared in front of you. Two fuzzy worm-like things were visible inside. As he took in the sight, Amon’s eyes widened. His feet desperately shook around and his cock throbbed more.
“I call them ‘penile worms’,” you said with a smile. “Care to find out why…?”
“D-Don’t tell me…!” Amon’s eyes widened more, his toes curling even harder.
Before he could respond further, you opened the jar, and took out a pair of tweezers, picking up the first worm. You then set it onto the head of his massive cock…
Amon has never felt such a sensation in his life. It was so peculiar. “A-Ah!! What is it doing?!”
The worm wriggled about, and began coiling around the head of his dick, its soft wiry bristles brushing against the surface.
“EEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHHEEHEHEEE!!!” Amon’s cock twitched about, his feet squirming as it was tickled. The head was definitely the most sensitive part of his dick. The worm suddenly nuzzled his slit with its little head, its bristles tickling the rim of the opening.
“A-AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” Amon wanted to pull back, but his cock couldn’t move at all. He could only watch as the worm tickled his slit and he leaked a little bit of precum.
The worm didn’t stop there - it slid INTO his cock, its bristles now teasing the soft inner lining… Amon almost screamed. The tickling feeling combined with the feeling of the worm going in caused conflicting sensations in Amon’s cock. Then it continued slipping on it sway down; deciding to help it along the way, you started tickling the underside of his cock to push it through… with just one nail, thankfully.
“GYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” Amon never knew that the inside of his cock would be so sensitive… then again, he never thought that such a thing was possible in the first place. The worm continued slithering down his cock, and in the meantime you were prepared to take out the other one…
Amon was almost shrieking with laughter from the worm… And now he saw the other one being pulled out of the jar. “I think you can guess where the worms will be going~” you said, smiling as you saw the bulge in his cock.
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOO!!!” Amon could not resist. He was completely at your mercy. He felt the worm go from his shaft to one of his balls, which caused him another rather strong reaction.
“Oh yeah, I gave them phasing abilities. Have fun!”
You set the other worm on his cock head, and then let it slip its head into his dick, while the other worm began to coil around his massive testicle, brushing against the extremely sensitive lining. Amon was crying from laughter, now feeling two worms inside of his genitals to tickle him from within… This tickled even more than when he was getting it on his feet.
The other worm began to slither down his dick, reaching the base of his penis where it remained for a moment, wiggling about in place. Meanwhile the other nuzzled his testicle, the bristles tickling both the organ and the inner lining of his scrotum skin. Amon’s laughter echoed throughout the room, his cock began leaking a little bit of cum… soon it would come time for him to shoot.
Finally, the worm reached the back of his urethra, and then phased through, dipping down towards his scrotum, tickling all the way.
Without warning, you put your index fingers to his soles as well… Amon hit silent laughter from the worms reaching his scrotum. His cock twitched a few times… and it finally shot. A nice stream of cum came shooting out, his cock throbbing when it released… Now was the time for the post-orgasm tickle torture.
The worm finally reached his other testicle, and now both nuts were being tormented by the tickly fiends, coiling and wriggling around inside his sack, the writhing bulges visible. At the same time, you started tickling his soles with each index finger, too.
The tickling was starting to overstimulate Amon, who was laughing so hard that he was getting dizzy. The combination of his ridiculously soft feet, the two worms tickling inside of his ballsack, and the fact that he had just ejaculated, all combined to create pure tickle hell for the poor demon.
You smiled evilly, and as the tickle torture continued on his sensitive balls, you decided to pause the foot tickles, riffle through the book again, and conjured a cap-like item. “Oooh, here’s something interesting~”
Amon was halfway towards passing out, being unable to even beg or inquire about the item that was just conjured up. Knowing full well his inability to escape, you stuck the penis cap over his cock head, and tapped it to let the magic flow through. And then a fuzzy tendril grew from inside the cap, and slithered into his slit…
Amon’s urethra was once again assaulted by a fuzzy tickling sensation. Tears flowed from Amon’s eyes from how hard he was laughing. Drool was also dripping out of his mouth from how hard he was laughing. The tendril stretched down to the base of his penis, and its little soft bristles were moving about and tickling the inside of his urethra like tiny fingers… And to top it off, you started tickling his feet with two fingers each too!
Amon’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head, the tickling just kept on coming! While still standing on his massive nuts, you started sliding your finger into the slit of his dick…
“A-Ahhhhhh…!” Amon’s precum acted as lubrication for your finger. With minimal effort, you slid your finger even deeper, before thrusting in and out a little. Then once you got as deep as you could, you started scratching the urethra with the fingernail…
“A-Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!” Amon started feeling that tickly feeling again.
You grinned cheekily. “Hmmm…” Then you muttered another incantation, and a magical strand of energy came out from the fingertip inside his cock…
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!” Amon’s laughter got stronger as the strand made its way through his shaft. You let the finger remain in there, and wiggled it about a little - the magic wisp started to form the shape of a long, thin tongue, licking at the inside of his dick! “OHHHHHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAAAAAAA!!!” That feeling was so… peculiar and tickly, yet so pleasurable. Amon was reaching his climax.
With a smile, as the torment to his privates continued, you spidered all ten of your fingers all over Amon’s huge soles.
The demon let out a blood-curdling scream of hysterics, and then passed out.
It was a while before your captive came to. But when he woke up again, there wasn’t anything inside his manhood anymore. On the other hand, there was a very different problem. Namely, his nuts were now the size of basketballs, and his cock had seemingly grown to match.
“Well~?” you asked cheekily.
Amon whimpered in alarm and struggled about uselessly. “P-Please! you have th-three lovely husbands to return to! You wouldn’t just keep you here and let them worry, would you…?” Amon knew begging probably wouldn’t work, but it’s worth a shot.
“Oh, don’t you worry, I’ll get them back. But I’m just gonna have a little fun, first…” You nudged one of his massive balls with your big toe.
Amon was happy that he’d at least be able to leave at some point. Then he felt that nudge at his balls.”A-Ahh…!” This was also a new feeling for Amon. His giant cock twitched lightly.
You smiled, and put your foot on his left testicle. “I’m going to try something you might not have experienced… Hopefully you can appreciate it~”
“Ohhhhhh~…” Amon felt that foot rubbing up on it, his cock beginning to grow hard.
You smiled, and then pressed down with your foot, just a little but enough for him to notice. “A-Ah!” He felt his testicle getting squeezed between the floor and his foot. It was starting to sting a little.
Seeing this, you smiled, raising your foot high. Then you bought it down, squeezing his testicle to half its diameter.
“AAAAAGH!!!” Amon cried out in pain. His feet shook around, as they were the only parts of him that were really able to move.
Then you stood up on the one foot on his nut… putting all your weight on the sole in the process. “Don’t worry. I enchanted your sack and balls so they’re indestructible until you call it off. You’ll be fine~!”
Even if his balls were unable to pop, it still hurt like all hell. Amon almost shrieked from the pain.
“Oooh, squishy!” You smiled and shifted your stance a little, onto your tiptoes so your weight was put in an even smaller area. At this, Amon gritted his teeth, rapidly breathing in and out as if that would soothe the pain.
After about a minute of this, you smiled and decided to be merciful. That is, you put your other foot on his other testicle, so the weight was put evenly between the two.
“AAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Despite the pain, Amon’s cock was growing hard, twitching about as well.
“Let’s dance~” you said suddenly, before starting to stomp each nut alternatively. One, two, one, two, one, two…
Amon’s cock grew harder as his balls were stomped, tears streaming down his face from the pain as he cried out with increasing volume.
Then just as quick as it had begun, the stomping ceased. You stood on his balls for a few seconds, and then jumped, and came down on them with impressive force. Amon shrieked with such volume that he even surprised himself.
After picking your ear out as though trying to get rid of the slight ringing, you smiled and continued stomping harder on his nuts, letting them squish underfoot in a very pleasing manner. Then you stopped and stood on them as you addressed him. “Are you holding up okay? You look… aroused~”
“I-It hurts… so good…” Amon breathed slowly. His cock was fully hard now. Seeing that gave you a most evil idea… Smiling, you bent down, and picked up his cock… bending it upwards to a slightly painful angle.
“A-Ah…!” Amon was startling to leak a little bit of precum. Undeterred, you bent his cock back a little further, and then put a fingertip to his slit.
“Ohhhhh…!” He panted a bit. His feet also squirmed from the sensations his cock was feeling. “A-Ahhhhhh…!”
His precum acted as lubrication for your finger, perfect for letting you slide it even deeper, before thrusting in and out a little. Then once you got as deep as you could, you started scratching the urethra with the fingernail…
“A-Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!” Amon started feeling that tickly feeling again.
You grinned cheekily. “Hmmm…” Then you muttered another incantation, and a magical strand of energy came out from the fingertip inside his cock… “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!” The demon’s laughter got stronger as the strand made its way through his shaft.
You let the finger remain in there, and wiggled it about a little - the magic wisp started to form the shape of a long, thin tongue, licking at the inside of his dick!
“OHHHHHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAAAAAAA!!!” That feeling was so… peculiar and tickly, yet so pleasurable. Amon was reaching his climax.
You reminded him about his balls at that point, standing on your tiptoes so your weight was put on two small areas on his balls, while the tongue reached the base of his dick and wiggled its tip into the inner surface.
“AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOWWWW!!” Amon was really beginning to feel his balls hurt at the same time he was getting tickled.
Then the tickling stopped… you smiled, and then let the magic wisp develop a few tiny pincers. They suddenly pinched the inner lining, nowhere near sharp enough to draw blood but still painful!
“YAAAAAAAGH!!!” Amon shrieked, unable to do anything as the pinching happened. You continued pinching the inside of his dick, and in the meantime started clog-stepping on his balls once again, repeatedly squishing and mashing his manhood… about to literally squeeze the cum out of his balls… Amon let out a scream, almost a roar, he’s getting really close to cumming.
You let the wisp continue pinching inside, and then squeezed and rubbed his cock while continuing to mash his balls…
With a tremendous noise like a fire hose, his cock let out a huge cumshot, its owner screaming from the pain and torturous sensations he’s experiencing. Slipping off and landing on your butt, you ended up getting drenched in his cum… “Oh my, kinda overdid it there~”
Amon gasped and panted, his genitals sore to hell and back, unable to form a coherent response. All he could do was curl his toes, as if that helped the pain.
So intense was it, in fact, that your plaything went on shutdown mode again, passing out and letting his head fall back onto the floor.
You smiled wickedly as you plotted your next move. Next time he woke up… you’d no doubt made your magic work once more…
Some time later, Amon grunted and opened his eyes. He saw his genitals were their original size, but then he looked at his feet… They had grown huge. The size of house doors, in fact! And you’d embedded his toes to the ground as well, so he couldn’t even move his feet, and his arches were unprotected.
Amon tried to curl his toes. He was a strong guy, but unfortunately for him, that didn’t transfer to his toes. Knowing this, you smiled cheerfully, running a hand down a massive taut sole. “Well? Enjoying your stay?”
The demon tried to keep his laughter in. “Th-This is the last one before you go, right?” He wondered how long he’d been here, but it was clear that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Oh, but of course. It’s only fair since we’ve had an agreement~” you dragged your fingernails down his arch as you said this.
“Pfffahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” Amon’s arches were stretched out so they were a little bit more sensitive than before.
You smiled, and then uttered another incantation. The magic conjured a bunch of large scrubbing brushes, and a bucket of soapy water. At the sight of it, Amon’s cock began to get hard again. It was clear he was getting turned on by this, and he knew it too.
The brushes all were dipped in the bucket one by one. As he watched in dread and anticipation, you then placed each of them on the balls and arches of his feet. He shivered a little bit from the wet feeling; it was clear as day that he was about to undergo the tickling of a lifetime here.
You snapped your fingers, and then the brushes started scrubbing his soles in gentle, lazy circles, the soft bristles slowly dragging along his stretched, sensitive skin.
“Gyahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!” While the brushes didn’t go as hard as he thought they would, they still tickled more. Amon’s cock twitched a little bit as this happened. The brushes began to trace figure eights around his soles and arches, making sure to clean every inch of his ticklish skin.
“Don’t you worry, this is for your own good~” you teased, commanding them all the while.
“Gyahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhaaa!!” Amon swore his feet were clean… but perhaps he didn’t know they were dirty.
The brushes changed tactics, and now started scrubbing up and down harder this time, getting to the very top of his sole and the base of the toes…
“GEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!” Now that the brushes went harder, Amon was laughing harder. They were now scrubbing with increased intensity, and now they seemed as though they were giving him a very thorough cleaning. Some of them were zeroing in on the spots right between his insteps and outsteps, and scrubbing furiously now.
The hapless demon immediately went into silent laughter, tears beginning to stream down his face from the intense tickling of the brushes.
Several more brushes joined in, some of them resting on his soles while others began scrubbing various other parts of his soles. Meanwhile the ones on his death spots were continuing to scrub even harder still…
Amon’s head felt light. It started not too long ago but he was already starting to feel the full brunt of the tickling.
The brushes all continue scrubbing… and then you summon eight more with phasing powers, so they slip through the dirt… and tickle between his toes, too
Amon slipped right back into silent laughter, his cock twitching from all the tickling happening. His eyes glazed over and his head thrashed in every direction it could.
With an evil smile, and while the tickle-scrubs continued, you summoned one more tickle item… a bottle-brush with an extremely long, flexible brush-tip, lined with soft wiry bristles. Like a giant pipe cleaner with a handle. Not hard to guess where that was going…
Amon leaked precum as his feet were continuously cleaned and tickled, looking at the bottle brush with tears in his eyes.
Next thing he knew, the brush was sliding INTO his dick, while the other brushes were continuing to tickle his soles all over…
Amon was struggling even harder now. He was starting to reach his climax now as he was getting closer to passing out from laughter.
The brushes were now scribbling about at incredible speed - even the one in his dick was thrusting back and forth… With an evil smile, you stepped forward, making one last move… and jumped, positioning the landing point so your feet would land RIGHT ON each of his nards…
With a tremendous howl, Amon unleashed the biggest cumshot he had yet. The cum ended up hitting the ceiling, and splattering all over you as he released all the pent-up white fluid for a full ten seconds. By the time it was over, he had already passed out once more from the overstimulation.
The next thing he knew, he was lying in the spell circle, a blanket over him and his head on a pillow. What had happened over the past few minutes?
“You alright, you big cutie~?” you asked, smiling fondly.
“Rrrrgh…” Amon still felt sore because of what happened, but he was fine. “That… That was amazing…”
“Well… you had such a great experience myself,” you replied, smiling warmly. “So… What do you say to trying it again in the future?”
“Hmmm… you’d love to do it again, but you’d also love to be with your husbands when it happens~” Amon smiled a little bit and looked at you.
“Oooh, you’d be looking forward to that. As long as you get to be the tickler, you have a deal~”
“A deal indeed…” Amon slowly sunk into the magic circle he spawned from head-first. The last thing you could see were his toes wiggling teasingly as they sunk into the circle. You couldn’t resist one final poke, though. Just for old time’s sake.
His toes curled as he giggled all the way back from whence he came. A deal… to be your personal tickle toy. Why was he starting to like the sound of that…?
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