This story was originally written a good while prior to the release of Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS and Wii U, but I guess you can easily imagine it occurring in the setting of this incarnation of the game - or heck, even in the newest version that's coming to the Nintendo Switch. I'm personally hoping for Dixie Kong and Bandanna Waddle Dee as newcomers, but hey, anything can happen in the lead-up to the game's release! Between this and the story with Corrin I put here earlier, the Smash Bros. universe is definitely one I hope to revisit in the future, since there are a few more tempting choices of ticklees I'd like to get my mitts on when the time comes. We'll see! ;)
Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Kid Icarus belong to Nintendo.
Testing a Theory
by Skaea
Contains: */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling. SFW.
Word Count: 2,747
________________________________________STAGE: Hyrule Temple (Melee)
P1: Pit (Kid Icarus)
P2: Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Pit's POV
“3… 2… 1… GO!” cried the announcement. Floating onto the Temple Stage from Melee in a pillar of light, the first thing I did was scan the area for my designated opponent.
The problem, of course, was that the Temple Stage was huge, so huge that a player could feasibly camp just about anywhere. No wonder it was banned in PvP tournaments. I unsheathed my bow, readying one of my arrows of light in case I spotted my target.
Link stood on a high platform on the opposite side of the stage, looking down upon his opponent. From his perspective, I clearly couldn't see him, but he knew that I'd drawn my bow out of what he thought was just paranoia. So he knelt down silently and stayed where he was, pulling out a bomb and waiting, hoping I'd make the mistake of coming over to where he was.
“All right, Link, come at me!” I shouted, ready to shoot him on sight, but nothing seemed to happen just yet. With a dejected sigh, I decided to take up a more active strategy, and proceeded to head upstairs to the strategic higher position. Link stood up quickly and lit the fuse, flinging the bomb at me and jumping backward, holding his shield at the ready.
I had just climbed onto the highest platform over at my end when I heard the distinctive hiss that preceded the explosion. “Yipe!” I cried, whipping out my Mirror Shield just as the bomb hit. Luckily the bomb bounced off the shield and fell, exploding harmlessly below me.
“Huh, not bad!” Link told me, trying to hide a sliver of jealousy over the fact that his shield wasn't reflective like that. “But how about this?” He flung his Gale Boomerang in my direction, holding up his shield in case I tried anything. With a surprised yell, I found myself caught in the vortex and pulled straight for him. Thinking fast, I whirled round and kicked as hard as I could just as we collided, pushing myself into the air and floating gracefully to the platform below him. Link fired an arrow at me, just barely missing. “Ah, dang it!” he muttered as he got up.
“You're not so bad yourself!” I said… right before I launched an up-smash at the platform right underneath where Link was standing. He winced and got to his feet again, jumping to the lower platform and drawing his Master Sword. “Alright then!” he growled. “Come at me, kid!”
With a smirk, I drew my bow-blades, ready to duel. Link moved forward, slashing with his sword, but I side-stepped and parried just in time. His shield took my next strike, but I ALMOST managed to poke the other one in… except that his Clawshot came out right at me and I had to leap back to avoid being snagged.
Link dashed toward me, swinging his sword. He just barely grazed me, but he'd forgotten how fast I was. I dodged his swings almost effortlessly. With a cry of frustration, he threw his boomerang at me again, readying his bow just a second after.
With a sudden jolt, my feet were yanked out from under me, and next moment I was on my rear, dragged towards Link. Managing to grab a nearby marble pillar just in time, the wind tunnel only succeeded in tugging off one of my boots.
Link moved in for the kill, but I was far from helpless. Out of sheer desperation, I seized my bow and shoved it in his face, whirling my Angel Ring like a buzzsaw. “HAYAYAYAHHH!!!”
With a startled cry, Link took the initial attack fell back and cringed, knowing he had to step his game up. He swung his sword in an upward arc, attempting to knock my bow out of my hands. It worked, in a sense - Link's sword snagged on mine, and both of our weapons flew out of our hands, landing pointy-end-in and embedding themselves in the opposite wall.
We both looked at our discarded armaments, then at each other. “Oooo-kay… Now what?”
He stared at me curiously, then he noticed my discarded boot and tapped his chin. “Hmm… I wonder.” He curiously poked my foot, watching for any reaction at all.
“Aah!” I yelped in surprise, springing to my feet and putting up my fists. “All right, how 'bout a bit of hand-to-hand? I can still fight, you know…”
Link smirked knowingly and stood up, taking a similar stance. “Okay, Pit. I've got no problem with that!” he said as he put down his shield, taunting me. “Bring it on.”
With a smile, I moved forward, landing a quick blow that was easily blocked, then punching him in the gut when he wasn't looking. But the chainmail underneath his tunic caused my blow to glance off. Luckily, I managed to duck under his next strike and head-butt his chest, causing him to stumble backwards. I was faster, but he was stronger, and I knew I couldn't keep evading him for long.
Of course he would get a little sick of me being so fast. As he recovered from the blow, he decided to go for some better leverage. Finally, he managed to dodge on of my attacks, and while I was reeling, he swept my feet from under me, elbowing me to the ground.
“Not so tough when you're unarmed, huh?” he taunted, leaning all my weight on my back.
“You're not ready yet… oh, wait!” I muttered, trying to push him off, but just my luck, he was way too heavy. “What are you gonna do, though, without your sword?”
“Oh, you know!” he smirked. “Just a bit of hand-to-hand combat.” It was then that he decided to clarify this remark, tracing one finger along my spine, just between my wings.
I gasped in surprise as the sensation hit me. This was not what I meant… “Wh-what are you doing?!” I stammered, flapping my wings slightly.
“Just testing a theory!” he snickered, lightly wiggling his fingers along my spine, his other hand reaching under my wing and scratching my side. “I could be crazy!” he snickered, “but I think you're ticklish.”
It was true, his fingers were already giving me a lot of trouble. But I couldn't let him know that just yet. I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, but I still failed to supress a ticklish squeak.
That was when I knew I was doomed. Link sneered and switched tactics, digging his fingers into his ribs. He scribbled his fingers much faster and pressed into my flesh, playing my ribs like a piano. “What's the matter?” he asked teasingly, holding me down with one knee while he tickled my sides. “You seem to be having a bit of trouble.”
Indeed I was. I was barely able to suppress my laughter now, and I buried my face into the floor, trying not to explode. As my body started spasming with pent-up hysterics, my bare foot kicked upward, poking Link in the middle of his back.
He chuckled, continuing to drill his fingers between my ribs; I was totally helpless, and he was loving it. Naturally, he flinched when my toe poked his spine, but that also reminded him that I had one bare foot. So he smirked deviously and reached back, grabbing my ankle and bending his leg; I held his ankle under my arm in a headlock.
“Hey, Pit?” he smirked, dragging a finger up my bared sole just once. “You gonna admit you're ticklish?”
“Pffffff… Hehehehe all right, I'm ticklish! S-stop that!…” I laughed, now so very close to breaking point.
Link smiled evilly as he scratched my sole with his nails. A few strokes later, it only got worse, as he called out to the blue fairy that resided in his cap. “I need you to find me a few feet of rope; quickly, okay, milady?” She rolled her eyes at him, but flew away as he asked, leaving me at his mercy. He glanced down at me and smirked, suddenly digging his fingers into my hips in an attempt to scare me.
“NGAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I yelped, kicking with my free foot, unable to do anything else. I was completely at Link's mercy, and he knew it too.
When Navi finally returned with the ropes, he quickly wrapped and knotted a long strand around my ankles, then pulled my wrists behind me and bound them as well, but slightly looser. I would later learn that he seriously thought about putting me in a hogtie, but he dismissed it, getting up from his place on my back, knowing my wings would get in the way.
“So, Pit!” he smirked, kneeling beside me. “Having fun?” he asked, plucking a loose feather from my wing and grazing it across my ear.
I wanted to say I was, but Link was already denying me of my ability to speak. I instead broke into another fit of giggles, kicking my feet again helplessly.
He kept the feather he'd taken and carefully flipped me over, sitting me up against the pillar behind me so he wouldn't hurt my wings. Pulling up a nearby crate, intended to be broken open for items no doubt, he sat down upon it in front of me, pausing only to give me a moment's anticipation… and then lightly tickled my stomach, brushing the feather along my neck.
“Stop what?” he teased, tickling a bit harder and scratching my sides as well. He noticed Navi looking the slightest bit lonely, so he handed her the feather; delighted, she manipulated it with her magic, making it saw between my toes.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKLEHEHEHEHESHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I cried as my most ticklish spots were assaulted. Link had found a new way to defeat me, that was for sure.
My laughter increased in pitch as I suddenly felt his fingernails scribbling against my arches. My wings flapped several times in ticklish agony, dislodging a few more feathers.
Link scratched my soles and toes mercilessly, sawing one feather between my toes. Navi controlled a few others, brushing them on my neck and another between my toes, also fluttered her wings lightly over the crook of my neck. Link smirked, realizing that he should have tried this before, knowing it could have saved him from some embarassing losses.
“Hmm…” he murmured a little while later. “Hey, Pit? What would you say if I cut you a little deal?” I scraped his nails along my soles. “All you have to do is keep from laughing for about 2 minutes, and I just might untie you.” He smirked to himself as he said this; apparently, he knew that if I took this bet, he'd have me right where he wanted me.
I couldn't tell him that I was enjoying the situation as much as he was. Unable to speak, I simply nodded, biting my lower lip just in case as tears started pooling up in the corners of my eyes.
Link was already smirking wickedly as he started off grazing his nails along my soles, slowly speeding up and wiggling his fingers. He moved up and tickled my toes, his other hand moving under my leg and scratching behind my knee. His fairy started to slip feathers into my robes, brushing them along my navel and sides.
“Tickle tickle~” he teased, slipping my fingers between my toes. He knew I would crack really easily, but he wanted to see just how crazy he could make me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the tears flow down my cheeks, spreading my toes as wide as possible to expose as much space between them as I could. Half a minute of tickling? Yeah, I could take it. One minute? I wasn't so sure. Two?… Doubted it.
One minute in, Link pouted, a bit discouraged; he hadn't expected me to be so resilient, by the looks of it. He noticed the way I spread my toes and chuckled, and realized that I was actually enjoying this. Darn it all! Oh well, he thought, an evil smile on his face. He had my fairy hold my toes back, and he scribbled all ten fingers over my left foot.
“Come on Pit!” he sneered. “You know you can't stand this much longer.”
I covered my mouth with both of my hands, barely holding back an already audible sniggering sound. I knew that if I opened my mouth, even to speak, it would all be over.
“Come on, tickle tickle tickle~” he prodded, letting his fairy run feathers over my soles and between my toes as he dug his fingers into my hips and belly. “It's just a matter of time, Pit.”
He smirked deviously and took one of the feathers from Navi, and then swept it across my toes, focusing on the smallest one, quickly scratching under my toes with his fingertips as well. If this didn't break me, he could only hope I didn't run out of ideas.
I lost it right then and there. With my worst spot under attack, it was all over. “PFFFFFFFFFFFBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Link smiled triumphantly, having broken me with just a few seconds to spare. Winning by the skin of his teeth always felt much more thrilling. He slowed his fingers on my soles to a teasing trace along my instep.
“Well!” he smirked. “It would seem you lost. Think you can handle a few minutes' penalty?”
I couldn't speak, even though I wanted to say I could handle it. Instead I simply threw my head back and laughed, enjoying the tickling.
Link held my ankles tightly, scratching my soles with his fingernails. He knew I was enjoying this, and his mindset had presumably drifted away from petty revenge as well. But he was curious to see if I had any limits. He wiggled his fingers between the toes on my right foot while his fairy was manipulating the feathers in my robes and on my neck.
He simply chuckled and, at long last, motioned for Navi to leave me be. He scraped his nails down my soles once more before standing up and pulling his sword free from the wall.
“You have fun there, angel?” he teased, dragging his finger up my spine as he snapped the rope around my wrists and helped me up, ruffling my hair playfully and picking up a stray feather that stuck out of my collar.
Gasping and panting, I managed to remain standing, albeit a bit shakily, heading over to pick up my boots and my bow. “Hehehehe… Yeah, I sure did!” I grinned.
He smiled brightly and poked my stomach. “Good to know. Maybe I'll tickle you again sometime.”
“I'll look forward to it!” I smiled, giving him a fist-bump. “But Link… um… Don't we have a match to finish?”
“Oh?” he smirked. “I thought you called it off. And besides, are you really in any condition to fight me now?” He twirled his Master Sword and sheathed it as he said this, throwing me a playfully condescending smirk.
“I think so!” I chuckled. “Though stamina-draining or not, you'll probably beat me just the same.”
“Hehehe - if you're that willing, kid, I'll take you on.” With that, we continued the fight. To this day, Link will readily admit that for a tired kid, I gave him a real test of his skill. He honesty couldn't believe how well I was fighting so soon after being tortured like that, but I DO know that he planned to be tougher on me next time, and that would definitely be fun.
It was a hard fight, but eventually I barely lost. Still, Link and I gained a whole new understanding of each other during that match. Our rivalry would remain the same, of course, but come next match, I hoped our friendship would only become stronger. Or at the very least, I hoped he'd tickle me more often during matches like this!
WINNER: Link (The Legend of Zelda)
P1 (Pit) - 3 KOs, 348% Total Damage; Ready for Next Battle
P2 (Link) - 2 KOs, 294% Total Damage; Ready for Next Battle
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