story was created for and uploaded alongside the monthly reward on my
Patreon for July 2020, pictured above. Although I had originally planned for it to be just an illustration, when I made the choice to include two other characters associated with the subject my subscribers had chosen, a story formed in my head and I HAD to write it! While you may have seen a preview of it before on this blog, this is the full version. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you enjoy it!
By the way, this reward was released a week early compared to the public releases of my previous monthly rewards, to correspond to my most recent monthly reward, which is holiday-themed. So with that in mind, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas or whatever other December holidays each of you may celebrate! I also hope to get another story written and released before the end of this month, but no promises. If not, well, there's always next year!
You can find the high-definition version of this
artwork on my Patreon, along with an additional version lacking the
Patreon watermark and with a different signature and a TIFF file version
with all layers. Check it out below:
Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Grand Order (c)Type-Moon, Aniplex
With a groaning noise like an awakening chthonic horror, the Bewitching Black Serpent, the original Rider, struggled against the bindings that contained her, preventing her from exacting her savage vengeance upon this world. And just as well, too, for she was of great and terrible power, her furious retribution as inescapable as it was inevitable.
Which was why, at least according to the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, what she and the Sakura Saber were about to do to her was going to be so, so worth it.
“Why did I agree to this?” Medusa grumbled. “If you had told me that you were going to chain me to the wall of this inexplicable dungeon cell, I would’ve reconsidered.”
The pink-haired girl by her side gave her the most adorable baby-eye she could manage. “Awww, please? For us? You’re helping us settle a debate, and you’re not going to say no to that, right?”
“Okita-san, don’t be ridiculous, she agreed to do everything we specified!” her dark-haired companion responded, rolling her blood-red eyes in exasperation. “Look, she even has a happy smile on her face already!”
“All I did was say yes, and I didn’t think it would involve, well, this!” Medusa tried to pull her arms free from the shackles bolting her to the nigh-indestructible stone wall behind her as a demonstration, and completely failing to actually do so. She felt a slight relief that at least her blindfold hadn’t been thrown in – perhaps the dark-haired girl now eyeing her freshly de-booted feet was not such a monster after all despite her claims to the contrary.
But Oda Nobunaga was not going to let her purple-haired Rider friend miss out on this. It was going to be a show to go down in history, and Medusa was going to have a front-row seat!
“I suppose I did word it in such a way that you wouldn’t have questioned it until after we got you in this thing,” Nobu chuckled. “Though of course I’ve always been kinda sneaky that way, so it can’t be helped!”
“Is that why you’re a four-star, to deceive the players into believing you’re easier to obtain?” Okita Souji asked, raising an eyebrow. “You do know you were a welfare back in the first Gudaguda event, right? They’re four-stars by default.”
“Don’t remind me!” Nobu snapped. “But that’s beside the point. What I bought in our purple-haired friend for is to settle this ridiculous debate we’ve been having for four hours now!”
Medusa gulped, her eyes widening as she connected the dots within a split second. “And that debate is…?”
“Simple,” Nobu replied, giving her a sly look and wiggling her fingers teasingly. “Which one of us is the better tickler?”
“This was the only way to resolve it.” Okita poked at the big toe of Medusa’s right foot, making her flinch. “Alright, Nobu-san, you take one foot and I take the other. Anything goes – any implements or techniques we can think of. But rest assured, this will be Okita-san’s great victory once I get her to cry for mercy!”
Naturally, she coughed a second later, a trickle of blood coming from her mouth. Nobu passed her a tissue to wipe the blood off without missing a beat.
“You’re on,” the Demon King replied with the most evil grin on her face.
Medusa’s heart sank. This would take a while…