I usually try to make it a point to post around two stories per month, though I haven't succeeded consistently; releasing just one story in a month due to real life scheduling concerns leaving me with little time to write makes me feel a little bummed out, though. I also wanted to do more tickling stories to balance out the darker, more graphic fetish writings of mine, especially light and fluffy ones like this one. The above pic was commissioned by me from an artist on DeviantArt who has since vanished off the face of the Internet for reasons unknown, but it's still one of my absolute favorites and I wanted to write a story for it for a long while, so I repurposed another one I had on the backburner on a whim. I quite like how it turned out!
Rise of the Guardians is one of my favorite productions from DreamWorks Animation, and rather underrated as far as this studio's filmography is concerned. Although the look that Jack Frost has in the movie isn't quite as evocative as some of the other characters, I can see why he's so popular and I do really like him subjectively, if only because he's barefoot all the time. I highly recommend seeing this movie for multiple reasons, and it saddens me that the shoddy marketing for it means we probably won't be getting a sequel without a lot of hard work on the part of the fandom and the author of the books the film was based on. The above picture is one of several commissions of Jack I've ordered over the years, and the original story I'd had planned for it was that he was being tickle-interrogated by Pitch, the villain of the movie, but enjoying it too much to make it worth his time. However, since the story I was repurposing is purely fluff with just a hint of shipping, I decided to put a much sweeter and friendlier spin on the scenario. Besides, the bit with him being tickle-tortured by Pitch has already been implemented in another commission of mine. ;)
Also worth noting is that this story includes the first instance of /F tickling I've written for this blog, and although I'm preferential to guys as bottoms in my kink writing, I may end up writing female 'lees as well in the future. It won't be as often as male subjects, but it'll open up quite a few more ideas for me, so be on the lookout in the coming weeks if you enjoy that kind of subject matter! :D
Rise of the Guardians (c) DreamWorks Animation, based on the Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce