(Image courtesy of PodFrog on DeviantArt)
Been a while, hasn't it? Just in time for the end of the month, here's a story I co-wrote with PodFrog on dA and Discord, featuring his latest OC, Wilbur! I think I helped co-create Wilbur in the first place, actually - I wanted someone with long toe-walking feet, and the huge ticklish arches to go with them, and we ended up with a result that worked, and had a lot of fun because of this. There's another story with him as well that I'll be posting tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that one!
And yes, this is supposed to be a "You X character" type story, though no romance is involved unlike the usual fare of such a format. I figured it'd be nice to give that style a try, and from my standpoint it came out quite nicely!
Wilbur Balenboard (c) PodFrog
Wilbur's Wild Workout
by Skaea and Podfrog
Contains: */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling. SFW.
Word Count: 4,453
At first glance, you might think that the Digital District
is as ordinary as can be. Well, as a resident there, I can tell you that you
couldn’t be more wrong. The people here do look like everyone else on the
outside, but they are not, in fact, biological in nature – as the name of this
place suggests, they are digital in origin, formed from ones and zeroes rather
than cells. It’s safe to say that this has allowed for a wider variety of
appearances, traits, and life stories, and the best part is that you just never
know what new and exciting things might be around the corner.
Let me tell you, for example, about the time when I first met Wilbur.
See, Wilbur is a physical therapist who works at the apartment’s gym I visit on a regular basis, a nice young man who loves to work out. He also uses the gym a lot himself, doing sit-ups, push-ups, and jog preparations, but more than that, he also loves to coach others. Of course, he’s always down for a challenge, and I was more than happy to deliver that day.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s one of those people with form modifications? Specifically, his legs and feet are structured differently than mine – his heels are held off the ground, because his feet are stupendously huge, at just over seventeen and a half inches, a magnificent pair of size twenty-nines! From what I heard, it unfortunately used to be common for people who had their forms changed more drastically than simply different hair or eye colors to be looked down upon by others who had “normal” features and preferred to hang out with “normal” people, and Wilbur does get odd looks every so often, but I can respect that he loves his job and worked his butt off to get it in spite of how hard it was back then. Besides, times change, and so do we.
Let me tell you, for example, about the time when I first met Wilbur.
See, Wilbur is a physical therapist who works at the apartment’s gym I visit on a regular basis, a nice young man who loves to work out. He also uses the gym a lot himself, doing sit-ups, push-ups, and jog preparations, but more than that, he also loves to coach others. Of course, he’s always down for a challenge, and I was more than happy to deliver that day.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s one of those people with form modifications? Specifically, his legs and feet are structured differently than mine – his heels are held off the ground, because his feet are stupendously huge, at just over seventeen and a half inches, a magnificent pair of size twenty-nines! From what I heard, it unfortunately used to be common for people who had their forms changed more drastically than simply different hair or eye colors to be looked down upon by others who had “normal” features and preferred to hang out with “normal” people, and Wilbur does get odd looks every so often, but I can respect that he loves his job and worked his butt off to get it in spite of how hard it was back then. Besides, times change, and so do we.
Anyways, the toe-walker in question was doing stretches at the time, since on top of regular exercise, he loves to do yoga as well. I’d finally finished my daily run, and as I exited the room with the treadmills and stowed away my smartphone – and no, I don’t look up anything naughty during my daily run, don’t worry – lo and behold, there he was. I’ll admit that I’d shot glances at him occasionally as I passed him by before, but I didn’t want to seem weird – the peeking wasn’t because I disliked his atypical leg proportions, far from it! I can’t help but feel like his huge feet are, in fact, more appealing to me than those of other people, but that’s just me…
Still, it wasn’t until that particular day that I finally plucked up the courage to talk to him. Besides, I had apparently forgotten something, which I hadn’t realized until a bit too late.
“Uh, excuse me, sir,” I asked as I walked up to him. “Do you have a towel I can borrow?”
He glanced around at me. “Huh? Oh yeah, sure!”
The instructor got out of his well-balanced tree pose to get to his duffel bag and knelt down, sifting through his towel compartment and none the wiser regarding my longing look at those impressive soles. It was quite a chore for me not to comment at that point that he had skin as white as snow, presumably also courtesy of modification, which would have turned a few heads even if he had normal legs; his foot bottoms were just as pale as the rest of him. I’m sure he must’ve noticed me staring at him, because the fact that i was holding my hands behind my back and quickly glancing away when he turned around again was probably a dead giveaway.
“Here you go!” he said finally, standing up and turning to hand the towel over.
“Th-thanks,” I said hastily, looking away as I took the towel.
The guy wasn’t a fool. “What’s up? Oh, were you starting at my feet? Yeah, they’re pretty long, but it helps with my yoga!”
I hastily look away as I dry myself off, wordlessly grumbling. I can’t even look at him when I hand it back. “Sorry… I don’t mean to, I just… I thought they looked kinda cute…”
“Really! That’s pretty flattering, actually.” His pale face sported a mild pink hue. “My name is Wilbur, by the way. You can call me ‘Will,’ for short.” Wilbur extended his hand for me to shake.
“Ah, nice to meet you!” Feeling relieved, I shook his hand politely and offered my own name. “…do you really mind people staring, though? I mean, not everyone here is a toe-walker…”
Will frowned slightly. “It can get a little old at times, yeah. Could be worse, though – they gave me a much harder time when I was younger.” Then he smiled again. “But the past is past, don’t worry. Besides, I found out how handy they come when I exercise, so here I am, working as a fitness instructor. Observe!”
He then demonstrated a perfect tree pose to me. With zen-like calmness and precision, he took a foot to his leg, lifted his arms up, breathed deeply, and folded his fingers with his hands close to his chest.
His posture was perfect – he didn’t fidget at all. Even so, I shivered a little in excitement. “…wait. You’re not worried that someone might, uh…” I lifted my hand and wiggled my fingers, wondering if he’d understand. Little did he know that I SO wanted to do just that…
I would swear I noticed Will wobble in his position so slightly that it was easy to miss. “Uh… No!” He continued to blush. He did apparently like the sound of a challenge, though.
I gave him an expectant, almost pleading look. It worked – Will isn’t the kind of guy to turn down offers, after all.
“O-on second thought… Do your worst! My body is a tough fortress! Heh heh.”
“Hmmm…” I scratched my chin. Giving him a gesture to “wait here”, I went to sit cross-legged directly behind him – and poked his stretched sole with a single finger.
Will gasped in surprise. “EEK! Mmmmph!” Then I poked his sole again, and he squeaked while holding his breath as his blush grew brighter.
“…you suuuure your body’s a fortress?” I ask, starting to run my finger up and down his tender sole. Then I briefly withdraw. “Just to be sure, are you sure you’re alright with me tickling you, hmm?”
“Yeah, sure! I can handle it…” Even so, Will blushed and sweated some more. He even began to shake a bit from the ticklish sensation.
I couldn’t help but smirk a bit. “Fair enough! Thank you!” Next thing he knew, I was wiggling two of my fingers right at the center of his ticklish arch.
“HEEHEE! Mmmhmmhmm…!” Will was shaking a little more now, with eyes filling up with tears. He looked for all the world like he was trying not to think about a naughty joke during school.
A few more moments of this passed before I paused ominously, withdrawing my hand. And then, without warning, used all five of my fingers to tickle up and down his arch and heel and the ball of his massive foot…
That did it – Will immediately burst out laughing. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! [A/N]!!! THAT TIHIHIHICKLES!!!!” He was shaking more furiously now. His toes wiggled down into the ground, making it harder for him to keep his balance…and composure.
“Just try to hang in there, I wanna see how long you can hold up~” I teased. Before he could react, I had moved my tickling hand to the outer side of his foot. Meanwhile, I moved my free hand in – and started lightly pinching the ridge of his arch, up and down, “nibbling” either side of the tendon with my neatly trimmed nails.
“[A/N]!!! WAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA!!!” The instructor continued howling and quivering, trying to remain upright with gradually decreasing success. “I must remain STROOOONG!!! HEEHEEHEE!!!” His eyes flooded with tears of laugher. I couldn’t see his front, but I could almost feel that he was getting brighter in the face.
With an evil grin, I decide to switch hands – one hand pinching his arch, and the other tickling the inner arch this time around, and dipping down to get as close to his toes as I can. “Coochie coo, cutie Wilbur~ Oh! Hmmm, if you fall over in the next thirty seconds, I’ll have to put you threw a new exercise routine I have in mind…”
“EEEP!! HAHAHA- I mean… No pressure. Heh heh Ha HAA!!” As the clock ticked down, Will struggled to hold himself. His balance was impressive, but that was before getting tickled! Now he started to sway around like a ticklish palm tree on a windy day.
I paused again, withdrawing both hands. Then, without warning, I spidered all ten of my fingers over that long sensitive sole, tickling with the greatest intensity yet. If this didn’t work, surely nothing would-
Will’s eyes went wide. “Huh? GAH!!! HAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAA!! W-WOAH!!” His weight had shifted. He was laughing so hard that his feet had finally lost balance; he bent backwards, falling to the floor and landing on his rump, his soles exposed even more. Luckily, I’d managed to get out of the way in time to avoid becoming a safety cushion.
“Oof, so close… Well, hope you like additional workouts~” I smiled cheerily. “Perhaps you might like what I have planned…”
Will took a deep breath, still giggling uncontrollably. I’d tickled him so hard that he almost forgot to breathe. But finally, he managed to regain his coherence. “Hoo! Uh, what did you have in mind?”
“Well… Can you try push-ups, maybe? Like, a good 50 or so? But with a little twist… I get to tickle your feet while you do it~” I teased, wiggling my fingers in a devilish manner.
“Heheh! I suppose so!” Will didn’t want to admit it, but we could both tell that he was beginning to like this unique workout routine.
“Fair enough. Alright, get in position; I’ll BRB, alright?” I said with a wink. “I’m sure you’ll get quite the workout by this point…”
“Okay! Heh heh… Hoo…” He was excited, but nervous. What could I do that required him to return later? Either way, even before I’d left, Will got onto the ground, his stomach near the floor and his hands on the ground. His long feet were positioned with his high arches sticking up, his toes pointing forward and flat against the mat, his hyper-ticklish arches stretched taut and vulnerable.
It was a few minutes before I returned, sitting behind him and putting the bag next to me. “Alright. Ready?” I ask, ready to reach into the bag and get started myself.
He couldn’t help but shiver in spite of himself. “R-ready, [A/N]…”
“Alrighty. Now, gimme 50 for the crime of being good-looking~” I started off by tickling with my fingers, five for each of his long, taut arches…
Wilbur started laughing once again, his eyes widening to their absolute limit. “Oooh~ HAHAHAHA!!! One HEEHEEHEE! TwooooOOOOOOHOOHOO!!! GAHAHAHAHA!!!” Never one to back down, that one – I had to admire how he pushed himself up as best as he could even while getting mercilessly tickled. My fingers raked across his soles as if his feet were an autumn lawn. It was tough to get up and down as his arms wriggled in place. And somehow, he managed to get a few in!
As the hysterical fitness trainer continued, I decided to proceed with wild abandon, letting my fingers explore every nook and cranny in the hopes of finding aaaaallll his tickle spots~…
“GAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FIHIHIVE!!! HEHEHEHEHEH, SIIIIIIX!!!” With my fingers exploring across his soles, he found it increasingly more difficult to hold himself up. This was truly the trickiest workout of his life!
I decided to continue making things difficult for him, and started pinching each of his arches, and also tracing little circles around the centers every so often for good measure. I was quite sure his laughter rose another octave in pitch at that point.
The poor man was in hysterics. He pounded his fist to the ground as he struggled to continue. How could he not concede that I was a devious tickler by this point?!
Finally, mercifully, the tickling stopped. For now. “Alright, forty to go!” I said cheerily. “Now, for every ten, I’ll switch things up a bit… Gimme a sec…” Reaching into the bag, I took out a pair of large quill feathers, and then brandished them like swords. “Ready for the next ten?”
Wilbur gulped, knowing full well what he was in for. “Hehheh… Heh hoo… Yes…?”
I nodded for him to continue… and started feathering the spaces where his arches and heels met up.
The scream of laughter that ensued was music to my ears. “HEEHEEHEELEVEN!!! TWEHEHEHEHELVE!!! WAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA!!!”
The softness of the feathers was even more effective than [A/N]’s fingers were! Wilbur’s laughs grew louder, and passers by could hear them. Didn’t stop [A/N], though!
“That’s it, keep going!” Of course my words of encouragement were countered by the fact that my feathers were teasing every inch of his soles. A moment later, I started circling the arches with the fluffy tips, hoping it’d drive him absolutely crazy.
“SIXTEEEEEEN! SEVENTEEHEEHEEN! EIGHTEEEENNN!!! WAHAHAHAHA!!!” He could have passed out, seeing as he was laughing so hard, but my friend was determined to get at least twenty in. “NIIIIHIHINETEEEN!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Twenty!! Hoo!”
Finally, the feathers withdrew. …but first I decided to be a big meanie and use the quill ends to scratch at the centers of his tender arches for a few moments.
“HEHEHEHEHEEEE!! HE-HEY!!” Wilbur yelped.
Then the tickling stopped again. As intense as it had been, I still couldn’t help but feel just a tad sympathetic.
“Alrighty,” I said, reaching for the bag again. “For the next ten… Close your eyes, and don’t look back. I wanna keep it a surprise…”
I then stuck my hands into the bag, but didn’t move them until I was sure he was following instructions.
Wilbur squeaked in a rather undignified tone, before clearing his throat. He closed his eyes, shaking a bit in anticipation. “Oh dear… Okay…”
“As soon as the tickling starts, keep going until it stops…” I said with a mischievous chuckle. Then before he could respond, I took out a pair of hairbrushes and… well, the rest was self-explanatory.
Poor Wilbur exploded with laughter as soon as the bristles made contact. It was clear that the brushes were the most effective tickle tool yet, and he couldn’t keep it up for much longer! “TWENTY-ONE, TWENTY-TWO, TWENTY-THREEEHEEHEE!!!! HAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAA!!!!”
I had been scrubbing perpendicular to his feet, getting at the centers of his arches, but as he continued, I decided to take it up a notch – so I turned the brushes so they were parallel with his feet and, scrubbing up and down, made sure to let every bristle stimulate his tightly stretched skin.
“HAAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAA!!! TWENTY… six! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” He laughed so hard now that it nearly broke him! This actually made his arms give way, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his well-abbed stomach!
“Oh, we’re at the halfway point! Just five more before I let you have a break, don’t worry~” I cooed, continuing to scrub his arches with impunity.
Still laughing uncontrollably, he got back into position. “All rihihight! Twenty-six! Twentyyyyyy-SEHEHEVEN, TWENTY-EIIIIGHT!!! TWENTY-NIIINE…. THIRTY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Finally, the brushes stopped. “Alrighty. You can relax for a bit. But hold your position! I’ve got an idea that I’m sure will drive you totally insane…” Reaching into the bag, I waited for him to catch his breath.
Gasping, panting, and sweating more than usual, Wilbur’s face was red as his soles, but it was mostly from blushing. “Haa! Haha… Hoo! Man, you’re intense!”
“Well, I won’t hold back for the final stretch…” I smiled, taking out a bottle and a small towel. Pouring some of the contents onto the towel, I then started using it to massage his soles, smearing the substance onto them…
“Mmmmm… That’s kind of nice!” Will sighed in relief, appreciating my thumbs rubbing the mysterious liquid into Will’s slender, smooth soles. It was a nice change of pace… at first.
Then he twitched just slightly, and blinked in surprise. “Huh? My feet feel kinda funny.”
Indeed, his soles had started tingling. It was a somewhat invasive sensation that felt like it needed to be scratched. Will tried to rub his toes against the mat, like a dog digging at fleas. “Hey, what is this stuff?”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough. Just say the word and we can continue~” I tease, sitting back to watch as the real fun starts…
“Oh, okay.” He gulped and mentally braced himself. “Whenever you’re ready…”
But nothing happened. I just sat there, waiting for him to realize what’s happening.
Wilbur’s feet start to tingle even more. That was when it occurred to him, and he started feeling slightly panicked. “Hoo, what is this, mosquito juice!?”
Indeed, the sensation only grew more intense by the second. He began to rub his toes rigorously against the mat, the pads creating warm friction across the floor, but that didn’t really do anything. His soles felt like they’d walked through poison ivy (minus the swelling)! “ACK! What is this stuff!?”
“…perhaps it’s mosquito juice, perhaps it’s poison ivy extract… But whatever the case, it’s probably not going to be pleasant the longer you hold it in~” I tease, poking at one of his soles.
“Heehee! Grrrnnnngghhhh….” Gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, he attempted in vain to block out this new feeling. Wilbur’s feet were now itching like mad! He tried lifting one foot and rubbing it against the sole of the other, and repeated the same but with his feet switched around, but to no avail. They just couldn’t stop tingling! His pale soles began to turn red from irritation, feeling hotter and sweatier by the second. They needed relief, but he was tougher!
“Ready to continue? I’ve got all day, mind~” I teased, not doing anything to help.
“All day?! This is unbearable!” He tried desperately to maintain his composure, but the tingling was too much for him. He lifted one of his feet again and attempted to scratch his soles with his toenails, but even that didn’t help. They just got redder and hotter. He needed relief, and fast! “Hey, could you… Scratch the itch, please? I can’t take this!”
“You suuuuure~? I can take a little stroll to the vending machine, I’ve got time~”
“Ah! Nonono, there’s no need to do that. Please! They itch like crazy!!”
“Eh, I’m thirsty anyway. Be back in a bit!” I stood up before he could protest, and left to get that soda I always buy after my daily exercise session… He wouldn’t be upset, would he?…
“Whatever you say…. Rgggghhhh….” Poor Wilbur couldn’t take much longer. His soles were covered in itchiness, worse than an ugly sweater or a swarm of mosquitoes or whatever else you could think of! He was now perspiring profusely, his soles drenched in sweat, and he could have slipped on said sweat, but he was not about to let this go, and so tried maintaining his athletic posture. Still, he shivered and shook like a massage chair, waiting anxiously for me to return. What he really needed was an SOS!
It was a minute and a half before I came back, opening up the diet soda and taking a long swig. I glanced down at his condition. “Oooh… Maybe I shouldn’t have overdone it… Ready to finish this off, then?”
“YES!! YES, PLEASE!!! Do whatever it takes to relieve the itching!!”
“Certainly~” I replied, taking out a pair of forks… “Just get ready to continue the push-ups as soon as I start, ok?”
He glanced around. “Oh thank – wait, are those forks!?”
“I’ll leave it to you to figure it out~”
A few moments later, he started feeling the forks lightly scratching up and down his soles, one each, not enough to relieve the itch but certainly enough to tickle. “OOH! EEEK! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thirhururty-ONE!! THIiiiRRRTY-TwOOOOooooOOOO!!!”
The itching did feel less significant, but the tickling returned! This was a unique and torturous sensation. I continued to tickle both soles with the forks, just a little harder to make sure the sensation sunk in completely. There was a point where I should’ve stopped, but no… This was way too fun!
“THIRTY-SIHIHIX! THIRTY-SEEEEEVENNN!! THIRTY-EIGHAYHAYT!!! WAHAHAHAHA!!!” Come to think of it, the itchiness only heightened Wilbur’s ticklishness! He was a strong man, but also very sensitive – and even more so now!
“Just a few more, I’ll try to be merciful~” I teased, scritching the forks up and down the very centers of his ticklish arches.
Finally, I let the forks stop. “Alrighty, final ten! You up for the home stretch, or do you wanna relax a bit?”
Wilbur was once again gasping for breath. It was amazing that he wasn’t even upset after this much tickling. “I think I need to…hoo… Take a breather. Your routine is intense there, [A/N].”
Still, his next words took me by surprise. “But you know what? I…” His blush returned in full force. “… I kinda like it.”
I blinked, blushing slightly myself. “Oh? Well, then, does that mean I can get to go all-out with the final ten?” I asked, reaching into the bag once more. There was a little bit of the itching oil left, but it was still potent enough…
“S-sure!” Wilbur smiled in a slightly cocky fashion. “Let’s do it! Like I said earlier, I’m up for the challenge.”
Still, he was also ready for the itching to cease. He was feeling the burn in more ways than one.
“Oh, you’d better be~” Out of his sight, I pulled out a pair of electric toothbrushes. And then turn them on for him to hear that ominous buzzing sound…
“Oh, no. Nononono!! Ah!” He might have sounded like he was in danger, but it was a playful kind of speech pattern. Maybe he was truly embracing the itchy sensation and the tickles that my tactics had brought.
“Oh yes indeedy~” With an evil smile, I pressed the buzzing bristles into the very centers of his arches, and started working my way out in a spiral, the signal for him to get started…
I was truly a wicked genius, he presumably decided. The other methods were nothing compared to the mechanized tickly rotations of those bristles. As they spun around his long arches, they coupled with the itchiness to give off the most incredible tickles he had known in his life. And yet, to my amazement, he still had it in him to continue the workout.
“Keep going! You’re almost there!” I encouraged, though of course I was determined to make it count. I let the brushes wander, the bristles digging into every bit of skin I could manage – at least they were getting the oil off, but at what a price…
“Just a few more to go! Come on~!” I teased, deciding to be a little git and using one of the brushes to tease the side and top of the foot it was tormenting, while keeping the other upon the sole. And then switching the roles, and back again…
He was almost there, but time seemed to slow with each brush stroke. It was agonizing, sensitive, and difficult. Why did he like it, though?
And at long last, after a few absolutely agonizing seconds… “AAAAAAH!!! FIFTY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
As soon as the brushes were finally removed, he flopped to the floor on his six-pack. He was in fits of laughter still, tears streaming down his chisled cheeks. He was drenched in sweat and his feet and cheeks alike were a bright crimson. It was clear as day that this powerful-looking man had a weakness exploited by yours truly, Master Tickler.
Applause from me greeted him after I’d set the tools aside. Then I do something unexpected – I planted a tickly kiss on each of his soles. Then I wiped my mouth and chuckle. “Ugh, sweaty… Now I have to help you get dry.”‘
Wilbur rolled onto his back, still struggling to catch his breath. It was a few moments before he the feeling of those kisses reached him. “O-oh, how affectionate! Wait, how exactly are you going to dry me?”
“Well… I can always borrow your towel again…” I replied, laughing. “But if you think a shower would be better to get the sweat off, that’s fine by me. I can wait!”
I paused for a second and then winced slightly. “…would it be okay to ask if we could, y’know, try this again sometime soon…?”
“[A/N], that was the most intense workout of my life,” Wilbur chuckled. “I don’t know how you got a hold of that magical itching lotion… But I liked it.” He blushed a bright red. “I, uh, wouldn’t mind doing this again.”
My face felt hot as I took in those words. “Oh… Absolutely, Wilbur! And thank you so much for the kind words. They certainly mean a lot!”
Once I helped him to his feet, I held his hand a little longer to shake it. “So… Maybe we can meet at the gym again tomorrow to try some additional tickle-exercises? I come here on a daily basis, so I’m sure I’ll see you again!”
“Sure thing! You know, I don’t tell many people this, but I kind of like being tickled, especially on my feet. I’ve never been tickled so rigorously, what a rush! And if you like, maybe you can try some yoga out… on my rock hard abs!”
“Duly noted. Looking forward to it!” I reply with a warm smile as I prepare to leave the gym. “See you soon, Wilbur!”
“Bye, [A/N]! Great meeting you!”
I felt Wilbur’s eyes on me as I left the gym, and I could almost sense that he was eager for his next tickle routine. Hopefully next time he could return the favor for me, or be his personal balance board!
That was an unorthodox workout, sure, and I doubted I’d last even half as long as he had. But it was a fun challenge, one that both of us had enjoyed every second of. It made for another interesting time at the Digital District Apartment.
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