source from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wikia: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Cancer)
Happy belated New Year 2020!
Starting off the new decade with a CBT story, what am I doing with my life? XD
Anyways, this story was co-written
by me and someone who has requested to remain anonymous. This is the third time I've written a combination of beach burial and CBT in a single story, and the fourth involving CBT while the victim is trapped in something with only their head and privates sticking out. I'm starting to sense a pattern here, honestly. The anon's OC originally had healing powers and extremely oversized gonads, but I figured it'd be worth making him more mundane this time around, although monster girls are still a thing of course because the story wouldn't work otherwise.
Say hello to Bisque the Cancer/crab-girl, by the way! To picture her, just look at the above image, and then color her hair orange like that of Nami from One Piece. Bisque was one of the characters I roleplayed as on that CBT-focused Discord server I'm a member of, and I figured it'd be neat to have her be a major player in a story of her own, though the victim is the real star, really. I do hope to write and more misadventures with her - and Alec as well, hopefully - in the near future. :)
The Monster Girl Encyclopedia (c) Kenkou Cross
a Pinch
by Skaea and an anonymous co-writer
Contains: */M ballbusting and sounding with a brief instance of butt abuse. NSFW.
Word Count: 4,395
Alec awoke from his seaside nap with
a weird sensation pressing over most of his body. The beach hunk opened his
hazel eyes, instantly taking in the sight of the clear blue sky and the sound
of the crashing waves somewhere in the middle distance. He felt weirdly unable
to move for some reason, but why?
The handsome young man turned his
head this way and that, and looked around him as much as he could. There was
that nude beach sign he’d passed when he’d arrived at the beach a few hours
ago, there were the girls in bikinis laying on their stomachs getting tans
(including more than a few with animal ears and tails), there was some blonde
six-foot-tall guy stuck in the sand with his cock and balls peeking out, there
were the college kids having fun playing in the water - wait, what!?
Oh, right. Said blonde guy was none
other than Alec himself. Only now did he realize what had happened to him.
“Hello?!” He struggled in the sand,
wondering in consternation as to who would be mean-spirited enough to bury him
like this while he was napping. “Anybody? Little help here, dudes! Aw man, how
could this happen?”
He had no idea how he got into this
predicament - someone must’ve dared him to do it or perhaps he could’ve been
pranked while sleeping - but it didn’t matter. He was stuck, and there was
probably no way he was getting out anytime soon.
“God dammit! Of course it had to
cover EVERYTHING except my crotch.” He sighed and gave up trying to free
himself, knowing nobody was helping him and, judging by the sounds he was
hearing now, that the only ones who saw him were laughing at him, too.
Not that many people were near him,
anyway, so it’s not like he’s gonna be freed. However, there was something
moving under the sand nearby… And it was getting closer…
Alec sees a strange bump in the sand
moving near him “Hey what the… oh no…”
He struggled to move, but to no
avail, as his sandy sarcophagus had kept him well and truly stuck. He hoped
that was not what he thought it was, but that hope was quickly dashed.
The sand seemed to swell nearby, and
then a large crab with a girl’s upper body coming out of its mouth emerged from
it with a soft poof! She scuttled up towards him, pincers clicking, a grumpy
look on her face as she wiped the sand grains out of her orange hair. She eyed
his head sticking out of the sand, and then turned to face the oversized
scrotum near it, with balls the size of hen’s eggs and a cock that could get to
nearly a foot long when erect.
The crab girl shook her head and
“tsk”-ed in annoyance. “Mon dieu… Can’t have a day without people taking a nap
in my backyard…”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Alec had taken one
look at the strange crab-girl and recoiled in complete fear. He’d known there
were monster girls around this area but this was the first time he’d met one in
person. “No no t-this is all a misunderstanding, you see? I’m actually stuck, I
promise, weird crab girl, I’m trapped!”
“I’m not mad, don’t worry.” She
seemed to have a noticeable French accent as she replied. “Just… Dunno why so
many people end up here, but this is getting old…” She raised a large pincer.
“Buuuuut if it helps you, I can at least try to pull you out…”
“Oh, THANK YOU! I don’t even know how
long I’ve been here…” Alec sounded ecstatic from the fact that he’d finally be
free. “What’s your name, by the way?”
“Bisque. You?”
“Alec. Now, get me out of here
already, PLEASE!!” But of course, he had overlooked the one flaw in their deal:
she had large, strong pincers, and the only things sticking out were his head
and his… well…
“I said I’d try, but… uh…” She
clacked a pincer. “Hopefully you won’t get mad, but it’s not like I have a
choice. At least not without getting someone else, and that could take longer-”
DON’T CARE ANYMORE I WANT OUT!!!” Alec was of course completely oblivious to her
point, but boy, he was desperate.
“Uh… Okay…” She scuttled over to his
sack, opened both of her pincers, and put them around his massive meaty
testicles. Alec closed his eyes in relief, anticipating a quick escape. But
then he felt them close, squeezing to half the width of the organs, and she
started pulling…
Almost immediately, Alec started
yelling at the top of his lungs as Bisque pulled on his big meaty gonads! Tears
welled up in his eyes, and he started shaking his head from the unimaginable
pain, his straw-colored locks falling over his eyes.
“Sacre bleu, stop
struggling!” the girl protested, her legs digging into the sand as she tried to
pull him out, to no avail. All she managed to do was stretch his sack a bit,
and clamp onto his balls with the wickedly serrated edges of her pincers. He
was firmly stuck, and she’d only be around shin-height. She’d need to find some
other way to free him, not that she knew it yet.
“AAAAUUGH! Okay, okay! Uhh… m-maybe
if there’s something else I can focus on to ease the paaAAAIIINNN?!” Alec asked
in a high-pitched voice. That was then that she realized that his eyesight was
focused on the crab-girl’s bikini top, no doubt expecting that she’d show him
some goods.
“I don’t know, you think of
something!” Her pincers begin to squeeze especially hard, her voice turning
especially stern. She continued tugging, still to no avail, and then her legs
slipped out from under her and she toppled onto the sand, still clamped onto
his sack. “This isn’t working…”
Alec groaned out a bit as she
squeezed even harder, and after a while, his head fell back onto the sad, his
face now wet with tears. “Okay, OKAY, forget I asked! I’m sorry! Look, dude,
maybe you should get someone or something, I’ll wait…”
She finally let go of his sack, and scuttles up to the side of the sensitive pouch, poking it with a closed pincer. “Maybe,” she retorted, scowling a bit. “But a few more minutes in there can’t hurt, can’t they? I knew what you were implying when you asked that…”
“Look… I’m sorry, I’m just… uhh…” Alec glanced aside. “I’m not in the best place right now… literally. I just want this done, because literally THIS CANNOT GET ANY WORSE!”
Right on cue, a stray volleyball came flying in, causing Bisque to dive for cover, and slammed into his already abused gonads with punishing force. Alec barely whimpered as it bounces away afterward.
The crab-girl got up with a sympathy wince, but she knew he had to be taught a lesson regardless. “Don’t say that again… You still need to learn a lesson anyway, so just suck it up and take it.” She muttered a French profanity to herself and added, “…they always look at the upper body, I swear…”
Before he could react, she’d scuttled off. It was another long minute before she returned with a large stick in one of her pincers - relatively straight, not too rough, and more than sturdy enough for the obvious use…
“Y-y-yes, miss,” Alec could barely say through the pain. His eyes widened upon seeing the stick, however. “Wait, what lesson?!”
“One about, oh, not staring…” She raised the stick, and then bought it down quite hard on the head of his sizable cock…
“AAAAAAAACH!!” Alec groaned out loud again as the stick left a stinging blow upon his member, causing a few passers by to turn their heads. “PLEASE, IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN MAKE IT UP TO YOU?! JUST STOP PLEAAAAASE!!”
“Apologizing, for a start,” she grumbled, before giving his dick a few more whacks, up and down the shaft.
“I’M SORRY I’M SO SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME AAAAH!!” Alec was reduced to tears as the stick battered his meat pole, but there was no escape.
“Just one more thing, then I’ll consider it,” she replied, her voice now almost teasing. She scuttled forward a little, stroking a hand up his cock all the while, the stick still contained in her pincers. Her intent is to get him hard, essential for the next step to work…
Alec’s groans started becoming more quiet as her hand stroked his member. “Dude, w-what are you doing…?!” Then he noticed his penis start stiffening and growing. He let his head rest on the ground, his eyes shut as he didn’t wish to know what happened next.
Before he could react, she had started sliding the end of the stick into the hole at the head of his shaft. “Just to keep it in, so nothing gets out… Until I say so, anyway~”
“Ugh, F-FUCK!!!” Alec immediately started groaning again as the stick started entering him. He had never dealt with something like this before - he didn’t even know it was possible!
Continuing to force the stick down, the crab girl took at least a little bit of satisfaction in the response she was getting. Then once it was good and stuck, nearly reaching the base of his cock, Bisque circled round and positioned herself right in front of both massive nuts.
“Still going to ogle me, monsieur, or will you let me help you out of there without doing anything stupid?”
Alec started shaking his head rapidly from the pain, the stick managing to enter the shaft. “YES YES I GOT IT I WON’T OGLE YOU PLEEEASE!!” He winced, knowing he said it publicly, but he had to try and stop her from tormenting him by being nice. “You… you were just really beautiful, I’m sorry…”
Bisque raised an eyebrow. “Fair enough. But just for that…” she teased, before clamping both of her claws down, one getting each nut and squeezing as hard as she can…
“AHHHH I’M SORRY WHAT DID I SAYYYYYY?!?!” Alec screamed loudly, feeling like a pair of tiny bear-traps had clamped down upon his tender manhood.
In response, Bisque decided to be a little meaner and started pulling back, stretching the sack a little further away from Alec’s waist. It was a bit of a struggle considering the size of it, but if Alec’s intense pain was any indication, she was managing quite decently…
His yells turned to whines which turned to squeals; his toes weren’t visible but they were clenched very hard from the agony. Soon, the sand started shaking as she pulled on his nuts, causing him to shift just slightly in his trapped position. “FUUUUUUCK!!”
A moment later, she decided to be merciful on one of Alec’s gonads, but as she released her right claw, his right testicle was still held; she lightened her grip, shifted her position a bit, and used both claws to pinch his nut HARD, as though trying to split it in three!
“AAAIIIIIEEEE!!! EEEEEEYYYYOOOUUCH! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS NOOOOOOW?!” Alec howled, feeling even more embarrassed and desperate to escape as more and more attention from the tourists was collected.
“I have no idea… Probably for the fun of it, I guess,” she chuckles cheekily. “Alright, lemme get you out of there-”
She finally pulled away - only for a ripping noise to be heard, and a gash to appear in the skin of Alec’s scrotum.
“Sacre bleu…!”
Alec stopped in total shock, the tear feeling like a large papercut searing with white-hot pain. And on the scrotum, mind! “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”
“I don’t know! I - I’ll try to fix it-” Bisque did attempt to put the gash back together, but unfortunately, she used her claws rather than her hands to do it, the result being that the gap was widened. And when she pulled away, the result was that the scrotum was opened up entirely and those egg-sized balls, still attached by their life-giving cords, were dumped onto the hot white sand with an unpleasant squelching PLOP.
Alec SCREAMED in sheer agony as his two sizable man-dumplings were deposited on the heated sand, the rough grains feeling like a thousand red-hot needles prodding the surface of the bare organs. “AAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! I JUST WANTED TO BE FREE AND YOU MADE IT WORSE! OWOWOWOWOWOWWWWWWCH!”
“I tried, okay?! What am I supposed to do? I can’t get help, there’s nobody around!” She tried to pick the balls up, but once again made the mistake of using her claws - and this time, there was no skin to protect them, not that it mattered. “Gah! H-how do I put them back in?! They’re h-heavy…!”
“EEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Alec yelled and yelled from the sensation of his bare testes being assaulted by sand grains and pincers, the jagged points of the latter nearly piercing the outer surface of the luckless gonads and embedding themselves deeply and painfully. “DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CLAWS?!?! USE YOUR MOUTH I DON’T CARE NOT SHARP CLAWS!!!”
The problem was that his testes in question were as big to her as a decently sized cantaloupe would be to a human, and quite slippery. She grumbled a little at this request, and as if to demonstrate how bad an idea that was, she leaned in and, in full view of the poor man, bit down on the surface of one of the testicles, her teeth sinking into the exposed flesh like a tiny set of razor blades.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH NOT WITH YOUR TEEEEEEEEETH!!!” Alec shrieked at the top of his lungs, waterfalls of tears running down his cheeks.
Still glaring at him, Bisque chewed a few times on the surface of his left gonad and then pulled back, as though trying to tug a piece of it off, making him SHRIEK with enough volume to send a few seagulls fluttering skyward. She then let go of the suffering organ, spitting out a few grains of sand. “Do you see the problem now? All I can do is push them and I don’t know if it’ll get them back in properly!” She paused. “Also, should I get you to someone who can stitch your sack shut? I don’t have anything for that…”
“I DON’T KNOW, YOU THINK OF SOMETHING!” Alec felt like he was in Hell itself, his hapless testicles baking in the sun and exposed to the sand and crab claws and other hazards. “OH FUCK OW OW OWWWIIIE!!”
The crab-girl cursed in French. “I’ll have to get my supplies, then. Forgive me…” She clicked a claw, hoping he wouldn’t begrudge her for what was about to happen. “Just a sec!”
She scuttled off, leaving him to suffer in his sandy predicament. He lay there, sobbing and whimpering for a few seconds, and then there was a squawk above him that made his blood run cold.
With a fluttering of white feathery wings, a seagull landed in front of his scrotum. Alec’s eyes widened in pure terror.
Ignorant of his pleas, the gull tilted its head curiously at the pair of succulent prizes before it. Then it reached down with its sharp beak and started pecking at the right gonad.
She finally let go of his sack, and scuttles up to the side of the sensitive pouch, poking it with a closed pincer. “Maybe,” she retorted, scowling a bit. “But a few more minutes in there can’t hurt, can’t they? I knew what you were implying when you asked that…”
“Look… I’m sorry, I’m just… uhh…” Alec glanced aside. “I’m not in the best place right now… literally. I just want this done, because literally THIS CANNOT GET ANY WORSE!”
Right on cue, a stray volleyball came flying in, causing Bisque to dive for cover, and slammed into his already abused gonads with punishing force. Alec barely whimpered as it bounces away afterward.
The crab-girl got up with a sympathy wince, but she knew he had to be taught a lesson regardless. “Don’t say that again… You still need to learn a lesson anyway, so just suck it up and take it.” She muttered a French profanity to herself and added, “…they always look at the upper body, I swear…”
Before he could react, she’d scuttled off. It was another long minute before she returned with a large stick in one of her pincers - relatively straight, not too rough, and more than sturdy enough for the obvious use…
“Y-y-yes, miss,” Alec could barely say through the pain. His eyes widened upon seeing the stick, however. “Wait, what lesson?!”
“One about, oh, not staring…” She raised the stick, and then bought it down quite hard on the head of his sizable cock…
“AAAAAAAACH!!” Alec groaned out loud again as the stick left a stinging blow upon his member, causing a few passers by to turn their heads. “PLEASE, IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN MAKE IT UP TO YOU?! JUST STOP PLEAAAAASE!!”
“Apologizing, for a start,” she grumbled, before giving his dick a few more whacks, up and down the shaft.
“I’M SORRY I’M SO SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME AAAAH!!” Alec was reduced to tears as the stick battered his meat pole, but there was no escape.
“Just one more thing, then I’ll consider it,” she replied, her voice now almost teasing. She scuttled forward a little, stroking a hand up his cock all the while, the stick still contained in her pincers. Her intent is to get him hard, essential for the next step to work…
Alec’s groans started becoming more quiet as her hand stroked his member. “Dude, w-what are you doing…?!” Then he noticed his penis start stiffening and growing. He let his head rest on the ground, his eyes shut as he didn’t wish to know what happened next.
Before he could react, she had started sliding the end of the stick into the hole at the head of his shaft. “Just to keep it in, so nothing gets out… Until I say so, anyway~”
“Ugh, F-FUCK!!!” Alec immediately started groaning again as the stick started entering him. He had never dealt with something like this before - he didn’t even know it was possible!
Continuing to force the stick down, the crab girl took at least a little bit of satisfaction in the response she was getting. Then once it was good and stuck, nearly reaching the base of his cock, Bisque circled round and positioned herself right in front of both massive nuts.
“Still going to ogle me, monsieur, or will you let me help you out of there without doing anything stupid?”
Alec started shaking his head rapidly from the pain, the stick managing to enter the shaft. “YES YES I GOT IT I WON’T OGLE YOU PLEEEASE!!” He winced, knowing he said it publicly, but he had to try and stop her from tormenting him by being nice. “You… you were just really beautiful, I’m sorry…”
Bisque raised an eyebrow. “Fair enough. But just for that…” she teased, before clamping both of her claws down, one getting each nut and squeezing as hard as she can…
“AHHHH I’M SORRY WHAT DID I SAYYYYYY?!?!” Alec screamed loudly, feeling like a pair of tiny bear-traps had clamped down upon his tender manhood.
In response, Bisque decided to be a little meaner and started pulling back, stretching the sack a little further away from Alec’s waist. It was a bit of a struggle considering the size of it, but if Alec’s intense pain was any indication, she was managing quite decently…
His yells turned to whines which turned to squeals; his toes weren’t visible but they were clenched very hard from the agony. Soon, the sand started shaking as she pulled on his nuts, causing him to shift just slightly in his trapped position. “FUUUUUUCK!!”
A moment later, she decided to be merciful on one of Alec’s gonads, but as she released her right claw, his right testicle was still held; she lightened her grip, shifted her position a bit, and used both claws to pinch his nut HARD, as though trying to split it in three!
“AAAIIIIIEEEE!!! EEEEEEYYYYOOOUUCH! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS NOOOOOOW?!” Alec howled, feeling even more embarrassed and desperate to escape as more and more attention from the tourists was collected.
“I have no idea… Probably for the fun of it, I guess,” she chuckles cheekily. “Alright, lemme get you out of there-”
She finally pulled away - only for a ripping noise to be heard, and a gash to appear in the skin of Alec’s scrotum.
“Sacre bleu…!”
Alec stopped in total shock, the tear feeling like a large papercut searing with white-hot pain. And on the scrotum, mind! “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”
“I don’t know! I - I’ll try to fix it-” Bisque did attempt to put the gash back together, but unfortunately, she used her claws rather than her hands to do it, the result being that the gap was widened. And when she pulled away, the result was that the scrotum was opened up entirely and those egg-sized balls, still attached by their life-giving cords, were dumped onto the hot white sand with an unpleasant squelching PLOP.
Alec SCREAMED in sheer agony as his two sizable man-dumplings were deposited on the heated sand, the rough grains feeling like a thousand red-hot needles prodding the surface of the bare organs. “AAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! I JUST WANTED TO BE FREE AND YOU MADE IT WORSE! OWOWOWOWOWOWWWWWWCH!”
“I tried, okay?! What am I supposed to do? I can’t get help, there’s nobody around!” She tried to pick the balls up, but once again made the mistake of using her claws - and this time, there was no skin to protect them, not that it mattered. “Gah! H-how do I put them back in?! They’re h-heavy…!”
“EEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Alec yelled and yelled from the sensation of his bare testes being assaulted by sand grains and pincers, the jagged points of the latter nearly piercing the outer surface of the luckless gonads and embedding themselves deeply and painfully. “DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CLAWS?!?! USE YOUR MOUTH I DON’T CARE NOT SHARP CLAWS!!!”
The problem was that his testes in question were as big to her as a decently sized cantaloupe would be to a human, and quite slippery. She grumbled a little at this request, and as if to demonstrate how bad an idea that was, she leaned in and, in full view of the poor man, bit down on the surface of one of the testicles, her teeth sinking into the exposed flesh like a tiny set of razor blades.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH NOT WITH YOUR TEEEEEEEEETH!!!” Alec shrieked at the top of his lungs, waterfalls of tears running down his cheeks.
Still glaring at him, Bisque chewed a few times on the surface of his left gonad and then pulled back, as though trying to tug a piece of it off, making him SHRIEK with enough volume to send a few seagulls fluttering skyward. She then let go of the suffering organ, spitting out a few grains of sand. “Do you see the problem now? All I can do is push them and I don’t know if it’ll get them back in properly!” She paused. “Also, should I get you to someone who can stitch your sack shut? I don’t have anything for that…”
“I DON’T KNOW, YOU THINK OF SOMETHING!” Alec felt like he was in Hell itself, his hapless testicles baking in the sun and exposed to the sand and crab claws and other hazards. “OH FUCK OW OW OWWWIIIE!!”
The crab-girl cursed in French. “I’ll have to get my supplies, then. Forgive me…” She clicked a claw, hoping he wouldn’t begrudge her for what was about to happen. “Just a sec!”
She scuttled off, leaving him to suffer in his sandy predicament. He lay there, sobbing and whimpering for a few seconds, and then there was a squawk above him that made his blood run cold.
With a fluttering of white feathery wings, a seagull landed in front of his scrotum. Alec’s eyes widened in pure terror.
Ignorant of his pleas, the gull tilted its head curiously at the pair of succulent prizes before it. Then it reached down with its sharp beak and started pecking at the right gonad.
Alec was reduced to a screaming, sobbing mess, his cries of anguish eliciting many a sympathetic cringe from passers by. As if that wasn’t enough, the bird then proceeded to seize his testicle in its beak, the hooked tip sinking into his flesh, and start flapping its way upward, attempting to pull it off and fly away with it!
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Alec howled, the excruciating pain making him feel light-headed!
Then a small pebble flew in out of nowhere, hitting the bird in the breast and causing it to drop his tormented organ back onto the sand. It let out a startled squawk and flew away just as Bisque returned, her suture kit in one hand and second pebble in the other (just in case). “Are you alright?!”
“I know, I’m sorry… I should’ve bought this with me in the first place. Now, hold still…”
Alec sighed, no longer able to scream anymore, and if he could clench something he would have, at least if he weren’t still stuck in the sand.
“Alright… I’m gonna have to push. And clean off the sand if you don’t mind, it will HURT… I think. Will you be alright with that?” she asked, tossing the pebble aside. “I won’t pinch. Promise!”
Hyperventilating, he nodded frantically. “Just make it quick, please! I swear I want my balls intact!!!”
Gently, she slipped her closed pincers under one of his testicles like a forklift. Then she lifted it up and, using her hands, started brushing the sand grains off the surface; unfortunately, they scratched roughly as they were brushed off, no matter how gentle her touches were.
The roughness on his testes was like a belt sander. Wheezing and rasping, he started feeling dizzy again, and his cock started twitching. The sand burning and scratching were causing different pains to the point where his cock stiffened and hot white liquid began moving up from his cock. The cum couldn’t push the stick in his urethra back out, however, causing a new frustration!
With some difficulty, she managed to haul the testicle and finally slip it through the sack, but it was a full agonizing minute.
“One more to go…” She then started repeating the procedure for the other nut, but this one had been flipped upside-down thanks to that blasted gull, so the epididymis was exposed and had sand grains as well; one could guess how the sand being brushed off felt there.
His groans started turning to moans as she began cleaning up the most sensitive part of his testicle. It was only a few moments before Alec’s volcano of a cock started to erupt! Bisque let out a startled yelp as the stick shot out of his dick and into the air, cum splattering onto the sand and her hair.
The crab-girl almost lost her grip on the testicle as the cum hit her. She had to grab the epididymis with her fingers, the nails digging in, to keep it from sliding back onto the sand.
With such a huge eruption of cum, the euphoria blocked the pain for a bit. It’d all shoot back soon enough, though. As it was, he start breathing heavily, his eyes rolling back in his head. “God, I’ve never felt this before…. What the fuck…”
She wasn’t responding yet; she continued pulling, trying to keep it steady… but it flopped onto the sand anyway, with her still tugging on the back part. “Oh, not again!”
The euphoria ended as soon as the testicle dropped back onto the hot sand. This resulted, of course, in Alec screaming yet again.
“H-hang on!” She released his nut completely, then had to lift it back up again, flipping it over and starting to brush the sand grains off once again, turning to prepare to just shove it in the sac and then sew the gap shut.
He clenched his teeth as the testicle was finally set in. And then he waited as she threaded the fishbone needle with the sinew thread, and started screaming again as the needle began puncturing his skin, the crab-girl beginning to sew his sac shut.
It was another two minutes of pure agony before she finally tied the sinew off. She glanced around the sack and gave him a thumbs-up, hoping this would be enough to keep his scrotum together until it healed on its own.
Alec sighed in relief, despite the remaining ache in his manhood. “OH, THANK FUCK. THANK YOU SO MUCH, DUDE, I COULD LITERALLY KISS YOU RIGHT NOW!”
“…do you want me to cut it open again?” she teased, poking the stitched sac with a finger. “Honestly, I was worried you’d need, uh, a little more medical attention…” She shrugs. “Though I did get an idea on how to get you out of there. A much less painful one, thankfully…”
Alec smiled. “Thank you so much for all your help honestly, despite the pain…” He closed his eyes, thinking of happy thoughts as he wished to escape.
She nodded in appreciation with a relieved sigh, and then proceeded to dig into the sand and vanish from sight. It was a few long minutes of waiting, but the compacted sand began to loosen and, eventually, he’d finally be able to free himself. He just needed a little, uh, persuasion…
Alec could feel his joints moving so much that he can push some sand out! A sizable crowd had gathered to watch at this point, some people laughing and some others cheering! But there were more than a few sounds of disappointment when, completely relaxed, he started snoring, all of his fears totally gone. Meanwhile, that stick he had blown out earlier had managed to land perfectly on two boulders, sticking out all this time like a flagpole. That wouldn’t cause trouble at all, surely!
He didn’t notice the crab-girl’s grumbling in annoyance (again), but he certainly did notice what followed: the sensation of two large, strong pincer clamping down very painfully upon his buttocks, one each…
His eyes shot open and started watering, his face screwed up in pain once again.
“YEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!” The sand seemed to burst open as he pushed himself out with such force that he seemed to fly into the air, the crowd cheering and laughing at his situation. Frantically running for his life, the crab still attached to his buttocks, he scrambled up the boulders to try and dive out of sight, until he tripped over his own feet.
The crowd went from laughing to emitting whines of pure empathy. Thank goodness the impact with the stick from earlier didn’t bust his sutures open.
“I-I.. a-ahhh…” Alec barely whimpered, having landed on the stick he blew out so it was precisely where his nuts hit the surface. The sturdy stick held him up in the air for a while before snapping and causing him to fall ONCE AGAIN on his balls onto a smaller rock, before sliding down. The tumble also caused the poor crab-girl to go flying off of him, and she bounced a few times upon the rocks (thankfully hitting only her shell) before landing flat on her back, her crab legs and pincers wiggling.
Sprawled on the burning sand, all Alec could do was whimper like a scared dog. Bisque, for her part, was utterly miffed about the turn of events, but said nothing, folding her arms in a pout.
He probably didn’t care by this point, but Alec was once again laughed at from all angles as his still large cock turned flaccid, his whimpers from the severe ball pain barely audible over the commotion. The two stick pieces near him made it perfectly clear what had just happened.
“Sacre bleu,” Bisque mumbled in exasperation. “…you alright back there?”
Alec pulled himself up, trembling uncontrollably, limping cupping his balls with an indignant look. Every word he spoke was high-pitched and wheezy. “No, I’m not okay! I just got three-comboed in the ass and balls in just five seconds! Why would you pinch me like that, of all things?!”
“What?!” she replied testily, resuming her struggles to right herself. “You said you’d get out of there, but you wouldn’t commit!!” Then she sighed. “Though I might have gone a little overboard there. Sorry ‘bout that…”
His gaze softened. Perhaps it wouldn’t do him good to argue now, after all he’d been through. “Well, I dont care anymore. I’m free!”
Next thing she knew, he’d picked her up and hugged her. His dick and balls blocked her view, and she squeaked and struggled for a bit before giving up and letting him continue. “Uh… You’re welcome. Y-you can put me down now, by the way… right side up please…”
Alec laughed nervously and set her down. “Oh, sorry… I guess you’ve had enough of my junk for today, huh?”
“Well… I guess? I just hope I don’t have to pinch it again. So, y’know, if you know what’s good for you, monsieur…” She clacked a claw with a teasing expression.
“Well, please don’t touch my balls with those things ever again, and we should be good, dude,” he replied, clearing his throat nervously. His voice had recovered entirely by this point, but it was still a little high-pitched.
Bisque shrugged. “Just treat me nice and I’ll consider it.” She turned to scuttle off. “So, uh… Do you want to come with me for a while? I can show you around this place, if you don’t mind. Seeing as you’re new here and all that…”
Alec smiled at the offer and follows “Oh me? Sure! I’ll go, but uh, I think I left my surfboard here… Ah well. Knowing my luck, I’d just whack my nads on the side of it like that stick and the rock and your hands… and the shopping cart last week. And that girl Britney’s heel… bitch… I get a lot of testicle trauma, so I kinda have to be resilient.”
“…that bad, huh?” She chuckled, not really mean-spirited or anything. “Well, if you need help, monsieur, just let me know. Or, y’know, if you just need someone to talk to…”
“Well, sounds good, dude!” He start following after her, though he remained limping and cupping his balls, which were still smarting from the one-two ball-basher combo.
As the normal nude beach activity resumed, Alec couldn’t help but feel happy that he had at least gotten out of a tough situation. And he’d made a new friend in Bisque, too! Still, one glance at those huge sharp pincers was enough to make him shudder ever so slightly.
After all, Alec had experienced first-hand what they could do to his hapless ballsack. He just hoped he wouldn’t upset her so badly that she’d wind up snipping it off.
Ooooh painful. More! :D