Cover illustration by @PodFrog
I haven't posted a tickling piece in a while, but this was something I wanted to do after chatting it up with a good friend of mine on DeviantArt, PodFrog, and just in time for Spoopy Season! The second I was told of the concept for his latest Pie Factory character, Jack, I knew exactly what to do with him, and we co-wrote this via an RP on Discord as a result. I've been meaning to get back into /M anyway, and this was the perfect way to do it! As Jack is based on pumpkin pie, I also threw in some pumpkin-based plant monsters I made a long while ago as guest stars as you can see from the cover illustration I helped Pod produce. Not much else to say except that both of us had an absolute blast with this thing, so further co-writes between the two of us will definitely show up in the future.
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Graveyard Shift
by Skaea and Podfrog
Contains: */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling. SFW.
Word Count: 2,718
________________________________________The graveyard stood as it always had, grim and mysterious and menacing. Headstones and tombstones covered the land, each with descriptions of those whose days had passed. Tall trees surrounded the area, leaves falling in the autumn breeze, twisting and branching such that at night, they seemed to resemble monster claws reaching up towards the silver, cloud-wreathed moon high above.
Perhaps it was because of these trees that rumors had spread in town about the true nature of the graveyard. Neighborhood children loved to share ghost stories about ghouls, zombies, and other terrors - the most common of which were about the pumpkin monsters. Next to the graveyard was a pumpkin patch, with vines that sometimes grew too long and reached up to the headstones. Legends spoke of these vines being possessed by ghosts, giving birth to pumpkin monsters.
While these stories kept most visitors away, they did bring about visitors who loved to hunt for ghosts or look for spooky sightings, especially around Halloween. One such regular visitor was Jack O'Carver. He was a tall young man, a good six-foot-four, with orange and green hair, a Jack o'lantern sweater vest, dark pants, argyle socks, and slip-on leather shoes for his large size sixteens. And besides being tall and having large feet, Jack's other defining physical trait was his glowing yellow eyes. Almost like lit coals...
Normally, he worked at The Pie Factory nearby, a local bakery that turned quite a profit during the holidays despite attracting certain... stranger visitors and employees. The twenty-six-year-old pyrokinetic was proud to be one of the latter, but his eyes sometimes intimidated the guests, despite him actually being a rather sweet fellow. As such, whenever he worked, he would wear shades that hid the glow of his eyes. The guests thought they were cool, and Jack thought so, too, but he could lose them sometimes.
Which was why he was here. Jack had been visiting the graveyard the other day to admire the place and to observe spooky activity. When he returned home he must have forgotten them. So now he was making a return trip with the intent of searching for his missing shades. He didn't have them in his house when he woke up that morning, so he returned to the graveyard to find them.
In spite of appearances, the graveyard was, in fact, a residential area for some of the more supernatural residents of the region. But few people knew that because they simply didn't want to explore the place, especially not with all the rumors running around about the various creatures that lurked there.
But Jack's fascination with the afterlife and related phenomena was not going to be stopped by such rumors. And after all, he did need to get his shades back.
He was unaware, though, of the presences lurking in the mists, which had taken notice the second he had stepped into the area. Nothing made its move just yet, but the unseen things were watching his every move, and soon, they decided to follow him in secret as he made his way deeper into the graveyard.
Jack kept exploring, searching every nook and cranny for his shades. He kept his eyes on the ground, looking down for the dark, shiny glasses. He looked behind several tombstones and those creepy trees. He looked everywhere he could think, but the shades were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was because they had been left in a different place than the graveyard.
Or... perhaps... something else had found them first.
He was unaware of it, or maybe only vaguely so, but there was something moving some distance away from him. And it was definitely not human, and seemed to be sporting long, thin appendages hauling it along at impressive speed. Then it was gone...
Jack thought he had heard some rustling behind him. He turned his back, but nothing was there. Jack felt impressed because something paranormal was in the autumn air, but he also felt a chill down his back.
There it was again, that weird feeling of being watched. Perhaps it'd be best if he left for now, and tried again at a safer time of the day. But he had to get out of the graveyard first without anything catching him, which was no easy feat. Especially now that there was another flash of movement, a bit closer this time.
Remembering his innate pyrokinesis, a natural advantage of being a fire spirit of sorts, Jack surrounded himself with three bright yellow fireballs. He didn't know exactly what he was up against, so he needed the extra fire power. That, and it helped him search around for his glasses much easier than his glowing eyes did alone. He trembled a bit, but he kept going.
A short while later, he looked around and finally spotted them - his glasses were dangling from a nearby vine. In hot pursuit (literally), he rushed to his beloved shades...unaware of one vine that had somehow managed to find itself right in front of one of his ankles.
So it was that the grave swallowed him up, until only his head and his large shoes remained protruding from the soil. Unable to use his magic, and unable to even move any part of his body except his head and feet... Jack was completely vulnerable, with no hope of escape.
Jack attempted to shake, budge, and move as much as he could, but the soil had a major grasp on him. All he could really do effectively was turn his head and wiggle his long toes. Jack tried to search for an escape, but there didn't appear to be one.
A few moments later, a vine began to creep out from the fog, slithering its way towards his right shoe. Before he could respond, it had poked its way into it, as though preparing to pry it loose from his large, trapped foot...
The young man watched as the vine wrapped around his leather shoe. He was amazed so see the plant slither towards him like a snake, but creeped out just the same. The vine pressed harder against the shoe until...
The shoe gently flung off of the buried man's large foot. He was now regretting wearing shoes that could so easily slip off. Now his right foot was more exposed. The only thing on it was an autumn orange argyle sock.
The vine set the shoe aside, and a few others crawled in as well. Before he could react, the first vine had slithered up the sole of his foot, wriggling its tip against the fabric...
Jack began to giggle. His feet were sensitive to touch, so the sensation of the vine against the fabric and said fabric against his soft sole was enough to deliver laughs.
Seemingly excited by this, the vine started stroking up and down the sock, and was joined by two more as they explored every ticklish nook and cranny.
The flame spirit's laughter increased as the vines did their work. His eyes began to water and his toes began wiggling and clenching inside his sock. This added ripples to his soles, which increased the sensitivity of his foot.
The vines continued their work, but one of them was nearly caught by his toes, which seemed to trigger a different reaction. The source emerged from the gloom - an ambulatory pumpkin with glowing yellow "eyes", actually carved holes upon its hollow form, with a matching jagged mouth. Staring straight at Jack with a permanent smile, the pumpkin started creeping even closer, its vines slipping under his sock as though... preparing to pull it off...
Still well and truly stuck, Jack scrutinized at the pumpkin creature with awe and horror, moreso at its intentions. The vine wrapped around the sock. It pulled the argyle footwear off slowly, revealing a rosy heel, long arch, a plump foot ball, and finally five rosy round toes. Jack's foot was completely naked, exposed to the pumpkin monster. Jack continued to clench his now-bare toes to his sole, jolting in his soil prison for the impending torment his sole would face.
The pumpkin's light seemed to glow even brighter. Before he could respond, it had moved in, and wrapped the end of one of its vines around his big toe, pulling the entire foot back! With its prize now trapped, it set about to wiggling the vines and their leaves over various spots on the taut, helpless sole: the heel, arch, ball, and even in between the other toes as well.
Jack was in fits of laughter. With the sock gone, his foot was completely vulnerable to the vicious vines. The leaves were extra sensitive as their lightness danced ever-so subtly across Jack's sensitive soles. Jack twitched, turned, and struggled back up, but he was firmly planted to the ground.
Things seemed like they couldn't get any worse for the poor man, but of course they did. A second pumpkin slithered out of the gloom, this one with a slightly more sinister look to its smile as it zeroed in on his other shoe. The first one continued tickling his bared right foot, exploring every inch of the large, long sole and sending its poor owner into new fits of hysteria.
The poor man continued laughing, but even in his hysterics he couldn't help but wince at the sight of the second pumpkin. The first showed no mercy tickling his foot, but the second looked more terrifying. Indeed, this second pumpkin eyed his other shoe hungrily, like a predator that had cornered its quarry. Then, with one swift movement, it had grabbed the shoe with its vines and then yanked it off, tossing it aside and revealing his other sock...
Their victim stared at the second pumpkin with mild terror. He knew that almost-lustful look on that pumpkin's carved face was craving the argyle sock. It was bad enough the vines of the first tickled so much.
It was at that point when the second pumpkin pounced, wiggling its vines into the fabric-covered sole, while the other pumpkin leisurely tickled the bare foot still further, running its leaves and vine tips up and down and around the tender ball and arch...
Jack bounced up from his dirt prison with recoil, laughing much louder and harder than before. His howling could have been mistaken for a wolf's! The pumpkins had found the spirit's most sensitive tickle spots! Tears poured from his eyes, his mouth grinning larger and wider.
It was as though the second pumpkin was sensing his anguish, for a few moments later it started loosening his other sock. There was nothing he could do to prevent it from slowly starting to pull it off...
Jack felt the elastic loosen from the balls of his left foot. The pumpkin tugged on the sock. In a few seconds, Jack's foot was peeled and naked. Now completely barefoot, Jack was an even more vulnerable target for more vine tickles.
He shivered in the dirt, sweat profusely dripping down his face. For a pyrokinetic man such as him, perspiring to such an extreme degree took a lot to accomplish, and the pumpkins did it. All the while, his poor right foot was tickled mercilessly, the vines wiggling between his toes and the leaves lightly raking across his arches. He could only imagine the kind of torment his other foot would suffer.
Then both pumpkins paused, exchanging looks. Before he could guess what they were up to, they extended some of their vines - five from each - and then wrapped each one around the stem of one of his toes, before pulling all of them back. Now all of his toes were restrained and his soles tight and at their mercy... One of them wiggled a vine teasingly as though to indicate that fact.
Jack winced a little and fidgeted back into the headstone. He continued shivering, shaking, and sweating, scrunching his toes in frightened anticipation... Well, he couldn't scrunch them. Again, they were tied back!
It was a few uneasy moments... and then every single vine that wasn't restraining his feet closed in, and dozens of vine tips and feathery leaves began brushing his feet a few seconds later, going in between his toes, caressing his balls and heels, prodding at his arches, even circling around and teasing the tops and sides of his feet as well!
Jack was in fits. The creatures of the night couldn't have been asleep, his laughs were so loud! He thrashed around, unable to escape from the soil and the vine trap. He wriggled around, unable to even clench his toes together. His long, soft soles were at the mercy of the pumpkins, and they showed no mercy. It was as if these terrors were feuled by laughter!
The pumpkins continued to torment him, making sure to get as many vines as possible to focus on the arches and balls of his feet, and a few even brushing the pads of his toes! It was truly a night of laughter, which could easily be heard for miles around as the tickles peaked to explosive new heights!
Jack continued howling, his laughter confused as werewolf sounds by any passersby. He moved his senstitive feet around as much as possible, but it was no use. He was the pumpkins' plaything, and the best he could do was endure the devilish tickles. He laughed until his voice wore out, his strong guffaws becoming silent wheezes, his silent wheezes becoming gasps for air. Soon, Jack was low on breath. His eyelids grew heaver, his rosy complexion growing paler. Jack felt... Faint...
...Finally, Jack passed out.
It was a very long while before he ever returned to consciousness. But he wouldn't know until too late that there were a few vines still remaining by that point... At least until one of them poked his bare foot. Thankfully, he was now lying on the ground rather than in it.
The poke was easily enough to rouse him. He slowly woke up, blinking his eyes and regaining consciousness. He looked down and was happy to see his body again, despite it being dirty from the night before. It wasn't the nicest awakening, though. He still felt a minor tickling sensation on his foot. The pumpkin was still tickling him! At least now, Jack's laugh returned. He gave a few light chuckles, now able to clench his toes and move his ankles freely.
Then a vine suddenly grabbed each ankle, and within a matter of seconds, several more had started tickling his large soles. It was as though the creatures had wanted one final say on the matter, and were not going to let him go anytime soon-
He thrusted around, wiggling freely, happy that his body was free to move a little, despite being tickled and grabbed by vines. He pounded his fist on the ground, tears forming under his eyes once again. This time, however, it was kind of... enjoyable.
It was only then that the plants seemed to notice the first rays of dawn creeping over the horizon. If they remained out here any further, they might wilt under the light of day. Their time for fun was ending, and he was quite sure he could sense regret in their movements - that they couldn't play with him some more.
But just before they vanished into the pumpkin patch beyond, three of them emerged with some familiar objects, and next thing he knew, his shoes, socks, and his long-lost, beloved shades had been deposited next to him. Perhaps it was a token of gratitude for entertaining them?
Jack retrieved his missing items from the pumpkins. He put back on his socks and shoes one by one, then returned his beloved shades to his glowing yellow eyes. Moved by their kind gesture, he could not help but silently thank the pumpkins before returning to his home.
As he made his way to The Pie Factory, Jack made an epiphany. That night at the graveyard was actually kind of... fun! Jack needed some laughs, and the vines did feel nice on his arches. Plus he made some new friends that shared his style.
Perhaps he should come back and "lose" his shades again soon.
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