Okay, storytime: A very long while ago I contacted twomario on Tumblr (he's on Pixiv now, URL available on request) about the above pic, which he posted years back, and specifically regarding the possibility of writing a story for it, with the character in question being kinda sorta adopted by me. He approved of that idea and as such I was planning to create a story, but didn't really get very far and thus left it in development hell for literal years. Ultimately, after a few more talks later on, we ended up designing the character in question for my use in my own works, and I even commissioned a pic featuring him! That one's got a story of its own I may tidy up and post here as well, but for now, here's the first one, with the original ficlet I wrote as the preface prior to the cut. :)
The other two characters mainly featured here belong to DocHasegawa, and we actually co-wrote the main part of this story together! It was a lot of fun to write these three, and I offer only my best wishes with regards to his use of his characters in future works. I hope I get the chance to work with these two, or any other OCs of Doc's creation, again sometime soon - and the same goes with my own ninja boy as well. ;)
Raiju (c) me, originally created by twomario
Kenji Tosai and Shizuka Kochou (c) DocHasegawa
Ninja’s Soft Weakness
by Skaea
Contains: FM/M and MM/F tickling, with a brief moment of accidental butt abuse. SFW.
Word Count: 6,004
He had always been considered a troublemaker among the Typhoon Clan. Distracting those concentrating on their training, startling the timid, relentlessly teasing the strong, baiting rivals into sight of each other, and goading fights into damaging public property. Wherever he went, there was always trouble. But there were those who said that all things considered, he was the lesser of two evils…
The people of the Typhoon Clan had whispered the name of an ancient beast from a time before man. They called him Raiju, the Beast of Thunder. A capricious and meddlesome creature, it darted here and there like a living lightning bolt, for that was exactly what it was, tearing through trees and buildings and leaving not but scorching claw marks as a sign of his presence. His baying howls were like the thunder preceding a terrible storm, the swift footfalls of his taloned paws like flashes of lightning. Folktales spoke of the beast possessing a cruel intellect that craved stimulation, and that its essence slept in the navels of those who rested out in stormy weather. If it were to enter the belly of a pregnant woman, the child would bear its power and its penchant for troublemaking. Perhaps this is how the young man called Raiju, the Thunder Hound, came to be… or perhaps he was simply a talented boy who figured that messing with people was a great way to cure his perpetual boredom. Either way, the Typhoon Clan soon decided that they’d had enough, and sought to teach him a lesson in respect and humility.
Conspiring to lure him out where they could catch him, the people of the clan feigned an unexpected side-effect of one of his tricks, a terrible plague that swept through the village and turned them all into mindless savages. Deceived by the ruse, Raiju fled for his life, but everywhere he turned he could find only more obstacles, ferrying him towards his destination. Ultimately he reached it… and found numerous cloth-clad hands binding him and stripping him of his clothing. His dojo master, Tenome the Palm Gazer, whose classes he had long since graduated from with excellent grades, had found a means to punish him for his antics without hurting him, for he still recognized his worth and feared that any physical harm would waste it. He had spoken of this to the Clan, and they were eager to see the outcome. And so his constructs closed in, and the punishment began.
The wriggling fingers of his master’s floating gloves swiftly dug into his tender flesh, unprotected by the linens he had worn mere minutes before. Lacking in scratching nails, the touch of their fabric texture was just as maddening. His armpits saw dexterous fingers playing in their sensitive hollows, his ribs and flanks felt the dancing movement of too many digits to count. But it was his feet that suffered the most, for they were larger than those of most of the others of his clan, and far more sensitive. The undersides of his toes and the spaces between, the smooth heels and rough-textured balls, the hyper-sensitive arches, even the tops and sides of those feet that had swiftly carried him across rooftop and road alike… Not a single ticklish spot was spared. His shrieking laughter and tears of forced mirth were met with chiding and amusement from the villagers, justice served and revenge as sweet as honey. Tenome himself delighted in tickling his youthful charge, for he had done so many times before as punishment for his pranks while he was still studying the ninja arts under the handsome sensei. And so the torment went on and on and on…
Ultimately, through his hysteria came apologies for his pranks, and an admiration for the lengths the villagers had gone to get even. While it was unlikely that he would stop making mischief anytime soon, he promised that he would be more considerate with regards to his shenanigans and that he would respect those who would do without them. With a nod of appreciation and a statement of assent, Tenome released him at last, and he did not flee even though he worried the villagers would continue his ticklish torture, for he was too exhausted to fight back. But they respected his wish to rest, rest and think about his actions. For even though he was a troublemaker… he still had a home in the Typhoon Clan, and he and his fellow ninjas were the reason they were safe from greater threats. And so he stayed, in part out of admiration for the villagers’ fortitude and their accomplishment as a group.
Although he considers this experience a humbling one, the prank war between Raiju and his peers continues, and always will - and it seems he won’t have it any other way. Perhaps it is because his craving for stimulation has remained even after such tickly torture - or perhaps he hopes that sooner or later, the village could "punish" him again…
The memory of that first time he had been tickle-tortured still rang with the young ninja, now in his late teens. It had been years since he had first set off on a quest beyond the village, which had started when his mother had disappeared without a trace. Along the way, he had made a number of friends and acquaintances, but never stayed anywhere for too long, for his presence seemed to attract trouble wherever he went. Perhaps the circumstances of his birth may have had something to do with that.
At a glance, you wouldn’t suspect that Raiju would be built for adventuring. He was built, if anything, like a stalk of bamboo with limbs. Athletic in build, and quite feminine in appearance, his large but slightly slanted eyes were light chocolate brown, and his long hair was bluish black, short in the front and extremely long in the back, tied to a ponytail reaching to his lower back. His rather long and rather toned arms and legs were built for leaping and running, and he also had thin and slightly longer-than-average fingers, and larger, longer feet than average, around size 11 with rough and slightly callused heels and ball pads but otherwise unblemished.
It was late afternoon when Raiju found himself wandering through the forest en route to the next town. He had separated from his friends for the moment to scope out the area in part because he had not visited it before and had no idea what to expect. As such, literally anything could happen as far as he knew. It wasn’t long before he spotted a path through the trees that looked as though it was used by people passing through. Wondering where it would lead, he found himself following it, the feeling of bare soil under his toes a little weird but not exactly uncomfortable. Maybe he could tread mud over the carpet of the first house he visited at the town, just to be silly.
There was a noise that made the boy’s ears perk up. It was somewhere deeper into the woods, but not far from the path. Deciding to investigate, he slipped through the trees and moved into the forest, wondering who else was there with him.
It sounded like voices of two people coming from the forest near him, one male, one female. And from the other sounds, they were busy building traps to catch, at least judging from their conversation, dangerous yokai.
“You sure this will work, Kenji darling?”
“Of course Shizuka my dear, then we can just sit back and relax and not have to exert ourselves and still have that pesky kitsune.”
Raiju moved a little closer, trying to be as stealthy as he could. But then he stepped on a twig, the noise of it breaking making both of the two people go silent.
All was quiet for a few moments, and then Shizuka spoke up. She seemed a bit startled from hearing the sound.
“Kenji darling, are we all one in the Woods?”
“Of course not,” Kenji replied. “It’s the woods, animals and vegetation exists,” he added with a chuckle.
“That’s not funny,” Shizuka replied, apparently with a pouty voice.
The dark-haired boy soon heard the voices again, swiftly deciding to remain silent and crouch down in a stalking position. What were they up to? And were they alert enough to see him coming if he decided to, say, grab their underwear and hang them off a tree branch? Hmm, perhaps that would be a good idea right about now. Stealing through the bushes, he made his way towards the male, fingers itching to grab and yank his underclothes with one swift motion. If only he had looked precisely where he was going…
Not far away, Kenji and Shizuka heard a loud scream.
“Well hey, I think the traps caught something!” exclaimed Shizuka.
“Told ya,” replied Kenji.
With this, they went to check out what was ensnared in the trap… and were a bit surprised and perplexed that it wasn’t an animal but a another ninja of some sort.
It was then that Raiju got a good look at his captors. The male had shoulder-length blond hair, dark brown eyes, an orange vest and matching baggy pants, and brown wrappings on his forearms, hands, and lower legs; a green belt held his outfit together, and his feet had red stockings with exposed toes. The girl, meanwhile, had reddish brown hair with a bun on top sporting a pinked flower, tufted bangs on her forehead, and two longer curls framing her face, which had brownish gray eyes and a reddish purple scarf around her nose and mouth, and also wrapped around her neck. Her outfit had a purple vest, reddish purple sleeves reaching up to her shoulders, and a dark gray belt and stockings, the latter also with exposed toes.
“Are you that kitsune yokai causing havoc in these parts?” Kenji asked to the trapped ninja boy.
The trap was a simple rope snare, but no less effective for it. Raiju’s ankles had both been snagged by the loop and pulled up, so he was now upside down with his arms over his head and his feet to the sky. “W-wha?!” he cried, struggling to avoid the blood rushing to his head. “Me? Kitsune?” He felt offended by that comparison, no doubt because it was one of his greatest foes and not him who was a nine-tailed fox spirit. “Excuse you, but I don’t pal around with foxes! Just cut me down, so I can give you the wedgie of a lifetime for stringing me up like this!”
The two ninjas looked at what was gifted in front of them and then looked at each other. Instantly, a delightfully devilish look appeared on their faces.
“It’s not our fault you carelessly walked into our traps,” said Kenji said.
“A wedgie? What are you, a elementary school bully?” chuckled Shizuka. Before he could reply, she’d climbed on top of the tree. ”Aww, your poor feet are defenseless!”
Raiju looked up just in time to see her pulling out a set of golden ninja claws. “Wha?!” He struggled a little harder this time. “You’re not gonna cut my feet off, are you?” he asked, feeling slightly nervous. “And I’m not a bully, I’m a prankster, thank you!”
Shizuka responded with a mischevious grin. “Oh, we’re pranksters too in a way. And there’s no way we’d amputate your feet – they’re too sexy to cut off!”
“Oh? Well, what are you going to do with ‘em, then?” He blushed a little at the compliment, his toes wiggling idly.
“Gee, what do you think we’re gonna do?” teased Shizuka. At a silent signal from her, Kenji grabbed and held the upside down ninja boy secure, holding his armpits.
“We’re gonna tickle you, silly!” said Kenji, before promptly attacking his armpits while Shizuka started tickling his soles.
Raiju suddenly let out a squeal of laughter, struggling a little while trying to break himself free from the rope snare. “W-whahahahat are you d-doing?! Nahahahahh d-don’t! S-stop it! Plehehehease!!”
“Aww you’re actually kinda cute, ninja boy tickle toy,” Kenji smugly teases while attacking his pits.
“What’s that I hear? Don’t stop it? Well, ok then,” Shizuka said as she continued to torture his delicate tied soles with those shiny golden claws she had just for this purpose.
“WAIT WAIT W-WAIEEEEEEE T-THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEHEHEHEANT!” Raiju squeaked and squealed as he tried to escape, failing miserably especially with his poor arches and toes under ticklish torment. He had to keep his feet as still as possible or he could get himself hurt…
“But you totally said, and I quote, ‘Don’t stop it please!’” Shizuka said smugly.
“It’s true. I heard that,” Kenji added.
“We’re tickle enthusiasts, see, and while we weren’t actively looking for a tickle target, that doesn’t mean we won’t refuse a golden opportunity like this,” Shizuka explained to the helpless ninja boy as she continued tormenting his soles.
“You make a fun little tickle toy,” Kenji said with a laugh of his own.
“GYAHAHAHAH, YOU REALLY THINK SOHOHO?!” Raiju was surprised to hear someone outright telling him this, but he didn’t mind, since 1) he deserved it for being naughty and 2) it had been a while since he was last subject to this kind of torment, and he’d kinda missed it.
“Hehehe, I know so!” Shizuka continued to attack his soles with her claws for a few moments, and then withdrew them to give him a breather.
“Okay, let’s see how they taste,” she said a second later, before she began to lick his tied soles, her tongue making quick, tickly strokes.
“EYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Raiju was being overcome by tickly torment, that tongue being truly maddening. He was struggling not only to not pass out but also to prevent the rope from coming loose and landing on his head.
Shizuka temporarily stopped tickling his soles just to give them a good worship. “Aww but they taste good, your feet I mean!”
“THEY DOHOHO?!” He wondered if he should pity her tongue, having been on a rather dusty path mere minutes earlier. “BWAHAHAHA H-HELLLLP!!”
“Sweetie, I worship lots of feet, and yours are some of my favourites. They’re so soft and just the right mix between manly and cute!” Shizuka continued to slurp his soles.
“Uhh Shizuka, my dear, aren’t mine still the best?” Kenji sounded worried that he might be replaced by the dark-haired ninja.
“Kenji, darling, relax and just hold him still,” Shizuka replied before seductively winking at her lover. “Don’t worry – I’ll make sure to give those tootsies of yours some of my treatment later.”
“WHA?! N-NOOOOHOHOHO!” he cried, only half-heartedly trying to break loose. It was so cute that these two worked together so well, even if it was in this case at his expense. Though maybe he’d happily help Shizuka as soon as he got loose…
Eventually, however, as he kept squirming his feet around from the tickles, the rope gave way and snapped. “WAAAAAGH-OOF!”
Raiju had fallen onto the ground and on top of Kenji. The blond ninja moaned in pain, the other boy still lying on top of him. Kenji’s eyes seemed to be spinning dizzily.
“…Whoops! Sorry,” Raiju said with an embarrassed laugh. “Didn’t notice you under there, really!”
Shizuka jumped down from the tree branch from where the rope was tied to, appraising the situation. ”Well, I guess the rope snapped,” she said, looking a little guilty. “Listen, we’re sorry for tickle torturing you, but I get the feeling you’re like us, so you actually enjoy tickling as much as we do.”
“Well, my sensei tickled me all the time when I was training, so it’s not like I’m not used to it,” he replied, wiggling his toes. “So, whatcha doing out here? I get the feeling this forest ain’t safe, especially at night when the yokai come out to play…”
Kenji came to at that point, and it was he who replied. “To answer your question, we were hired to set up traps to catch yokai. But you ended up in one of our traps, so we decided to take a little break, hehe/ The forest is fine in the day time, but at night … yeah, freaky stuff goes on. Well, Shizuka, we probably should get back to work finishing so we can get out of here – ‘cuz I am not staying after dark!”
“Oh Kenji, are you a wittle fraidy cat?” Shizuka teased.
”No Shiz, I mean well you promised me some foot worshipping action later, and I could so go for that” said Kenji.
“Can I come?” Raiju looked curious as to what this “foot worshipping action” would entail. “I’m kinda traveling right now anyways and may need to steal a bed tonight, ‘cuz it seems like the next town is a little too far away to make it before sundown.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, I didn’t get your names, by the way. Mine’s Raiju Inarizushi, if you wanna know.”
“Kenji Tosai,” said the other male.
“Shizuka Kouchou,” added the female.
“Nice to meet you! Well, aside from getting stuck in a rope snare, I mean,” he added, laughing. “So, where’s your pad? I bet it isn’t far from here, and hopefully somewhere safe - though personally I could do with sleeping outside, so if something does try and catch me they’ll get a kunai somewhere uncomfortable!” He punched his fist, grinning.
Shizuka and Kenji both began to laugh. ”Oh Raiju, I think we’re gonna be good friends,” said Kenji.
“We’re not really from around here either, we’re just away on business,” added Shizuka. “We do have a room in this place, though, and you’re welcome to stay with us,” she added with a seductive look on her face.
“Sounds right to me!” Raiju replied, grinning.
It was a long while before the ninja couple finished setting up traps with Raiju’s help. It was fortunate that they were able to finish while there was still light out, especially now that they had a third pair of hands added.
“Well we’re done, gang,” Kenji said happy.
“Hey, if it’s stuff to mess with people I’m totally down for it,” replied Raiju, dusting his hands off. “So… Shall we head to your place, then?”
“Yeah, let’s go!” Shizuka licked her lips, excited for the kinky fun to come.
With a grin of anticipation on his face, Raiju too followed them back to camp. They finally made it to their room at the inn, it was a nice small but quaint room.
“Well, Raiju, this is where the fun begins,” said Kenji.
“You had me at fun,” replied Raiju, rubbing his hands.
“So, who’s going first?” Shizuka asked.
“Ooh, me me me!” Raiju waved in excitement.
“But we already had fun with your cute feet,” said Shizuka. “Well, okay, I had fun with them. Well, I did promise my Kenny I would give him a lick and maybe a tickle.” She took a seductive look at her lover.
“Oh, I thought you meant who’d want to go after Kenji first… oh well.” Raiju rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed laugh.
“Well ideally me, Shizuka, and then you once again. Does that sound fair, Raiju?” Kenji suggested.
“Works for me,” Raiju replied. “Let’s get it started!”
With that, Kenji sat on the bed and Shizuka got the rope tying him to the headboard.
“Well, here goes!” Kenji waited in anticipation with his tied feet in Raiju and Shizuka’s faces.
Raiju wasted no time. He instantly grabbed his ankle and started licking his sole, his tongue stroking fast enough to tickle the skin.
“GAHAHAHH! W-wow, Raiju, you managed to beheat Shizuka t-to the punch!” Kenji began to laugh as the lickle started to get to him. Shizuka grappled his other foot and did the same, driving Kenji nuts. “NOOOOHOHOHOOO!”
Raiju would have smirked if he could. This was just too easy. As it was, he made sure to get in between Kenji’s toes, too, enjoying the flavor of his sensitive skin.
“WOW HAHAHAHA YOU REALLY L-LIKE MY FEEEEEET!” Kenji laughed, speaking to the boyish ninja.
“I hope you’ll be doing that to me later,” Shizuka said to Raiju.
“Oh, will I ever~” Raiju teased, poking her side before returning his attention to Kenji’s sole, tickling the heel with his fingers too.
Shizuka giggled as he poked her side, and swiftly decided to move up on top of her lover, sitting on his chest and tickling his chest and armpits.
This left Raiju with an opening… and he took it, proceeding to unleash ten tickly static-laced fingers all over Kenji’s soles. “I’m Raiju, I’m helping~” he teased.
“WHAT ARE YOU DO-OHOHOHOHO!” Kenji burst into more laughter.
Raiju said nothing, but he had a truly evil grin on his face before he leaned in and started nibbling on the toes of Kenji’s right foot…
“GAHAHAHA, YOU’RE A DEVIOUS LITTLE BRAHHAHAAAAAT!” Kenji spastically tried to move away, but his feet were hopelessly restrained.
Raiju continued nibbling for a few moments, then stopped to peek up at Kenji with a smile like a cat who swallowed a canary. “Having fun, Kenji? I can’t see your face with that cutie on your chest…”
“Y-yeah, I’m having fun!” Kenji panted.
“Oh whoops,” Shizuka replied, moving enough to make sure Raiju saw Kenji’s face, which Raiju now noticed had a happy content look.
“So… Care to switch? Hopefully we can get Shizuka, and then me? I’m sure we all deserve it at some point~” the raven-hair teased, continuing to tickle Kenji’s toes.
“Gladly!” Kenji replied, giggling and panting.
Once untied, the blond got up, and Shizuka took his place.
“Okay, Raiju, do your thing,” the redhead teased, as she stuck her toeless pantyhosed feet in his face.
He didn’t stop to think, and proceeded to start licking her soft soles, using his fingers to tickle her insteps as well.
“Wow his instincts kicked in quicklEEEEEHEHEEEE!” Shizuka laughed as hard as Kenji had; Kenji himself, meanwhile, started to poke around her tummy. Raiju smiled and started using his fingers to tickle her soles instead, employing a little static charge as well to make it tickle even more.
Shizuka begin to laugh harder. “HEHEHEHEEEEY! WHAT KIND OF TECHNIQUE ARE YOU USIIEEEEHEHEEIING?” she asked through her laughter.
“Just a little trick I learned when I was training,” Raiju replied, smiling as he continued to use his static to send a tingly charge through her skin.
Shizuka squirmed and squealed from the maddening sensation. “AHAHAHAHAHAEEEEHEHEE! SO TINGLEEEEEEE!”
Raiju moved up towards the toes as well, scratching softly and letting the static do its work, while letting Kenji also do his thing, as he focused on Shizuka’s pits and sides.
Shizuka shrieked and wriggled around while the two boys tickled her mercilessly, trying to curl her toes. It was, in fact, getting a little difficult for her to breathe!
Of course, Raiju soon began to get bored of this activity, but decided to lean in and start nibbling her toes just to be a pain. “Is it my turn yet, or do you wanna go for a lil’ longer?”
“EEEEHEHEHEEP! OKAY OKAY! Y-you were… a-a fun lee to play with…”
“Alright, round two!” said Kenji. “Your turn kiddo, and this time, don’t fall on top of me.”
Raiju gasped at the notion. “Oooh, me and my biiiig mouth…” He chuckled to himself. “Ah well. So, what do I do now, get up on the bed where she is now?”
“Yep!” replied Shizuka.
“Who do you want on your feet and your pits respectively?” asked Kenji.
Raiju grinned in a challenge as he took his place on the bed. “Just use your imagination!”
Kenji smiled as well. “I never got a crack at his feet, I’ll take them.”
“Upper body is mine, Raiju,” added Shizuka.
Raiju put his hands behind his head and wiggled his toes, grinning broadly as though daring the other two to do their worst. Swiftly, the both of them jumped at and tackled him, Shizuka on his stomach and Kenji locking his feet with his legs, making sure he wasn’t moving anywhere.
He gulped in a mix of dread and anticipation. “I’m immediately regretting this decision-!” he whimpered in a pleading tone.
“I’m not,” said Shizuka. She started to undress his top, revealing his bare stomach, and proceeded to start licking his navel while Kenji began to tickle his feet.
The reaction was instantaneous; the poor ninja instantly began squirming and howling with laughter, struggling to get free.
As the torment progressed, Shizuka began to kiss his stomach, even nibbling it while Kenji began to lick Raiju’s soles. “Love the taste,” he commented.
Raiju was shrieking wordlessly, but he nodded in approval at Kenji’s statement; he was glad the other two were enjoying it as much as he did. Though for some reason he started feeling the electric charge in his body build up in his excitement…
Kenji began getting concerned too when felt a slight zap while licking his toe. With a look of alarm, he withdrew, and started edging away.
Shizuka, none the wiser, carried on with her part of the tickle torment, now tickling his chest and his nipples as well as his armpits. “What a cute ticklish body you have,” she cooed.
“GYAHAHAHH, TH-THANKS!” Raiju yelped and squealed, squirming in her touch. “B-but be careful, don’t go too hahahHAAHAHARRD!!” He would swear a few strands of hair on his ponytail were beginning to stiffen
Kenji winced, feeling the hairs on his neck stand on end. “You might wanna show some restraint Shizuka. I felt a zap in his toe.”
Shizuka was undaunted. “So what if I get zapped a few times? I’ll be fine,” she said as she continued to play with his chest, and now stuck her feet in his face. “Kiss my feet, cutie~”
Raiju immediately proceeded to do so, not caring about his predicament as long as he got to indulge in his wildest fantasies… unbeknownst to both of them though the very air around them seemed to be getting more and more tingly by the second…
Shizuka licked his armpits and Kenji, not wanting to be left out, began to tickle his knees, but the blond began to notice Shizuka’s hair was frizzing up a bit. Raiju squirmed and giggled and squealed, so caught up in the blissful sensation that he wasn’t aware of the tingling feeling growing a little stronger.
Kenji stopped tickling, now looking concerned something could easily happen, but Shizuka continued, switching positions to lay on his body in the opposite direction. “Oh well, his feet are mine now!”
Now free to take a breather, Raiju suddenly realized what was wrong. “W-WAIT, STOP IT!!” he cried, no longer mischevious but now beginning to panic.
“Shizuka, I think you might need to heade his warning,” said Kenji.
“Aww, I thought you wanted to make you cry,” replied Shizuka, her perfectly rounded buttocks in the air and her toes on his chin.
“No no, it isn’t that! If it gets too intense and without the proper gear I’ll–”
BZZZZZZZZZZT! The electric discharge ended up being directed straight into Shizuka’s bottom!
The end result of the lightning blast that she was blown clear off of him by the force of the shock alone, her buttocks feeling like they had burst into flame! Next moment, she was on the floor with her ass up, her hair all frizzy and her bottom still smoking.
“…do that…” he finished, wheezing and feeling a little faint. He looked down at the prone female and let out a little gasp. “…I… didn’t mean to do that, I swear…”
Shizuka whined in residual pain, her bottom feeling like she’d sat in a lit fire pit. “I… should’ve stopped… when I had the chance…” she admitted.
Kenji chuckled. “Told ya so, darlin’.”
Shizuka coughed a puff of smoke. “So, you got electric powers huh?”
Raiju managed to sit up, wiggling his toes and gasping for breath. “To make a long and horrifying story short… YES!”
“Well… good to know,” she replied, before she passed out on the floor.
“…I think I overdid it,” said Raiju, rubbing the back of his head in total embarrassment. He saw the look on Kenji’s face and hastily added “It was an accident, okay?!”
He got off the bed and flipped her back over, before poking at her very sooty cheek.
Give Shizuka credit, she was tougher than she looked. She immediately woke up with a cry of “I’m awake and alive!”
Kenji laughed in spite of himself. “Don’t blame yourself, Raiju. I saw the warning signs coming, and she did too, but she continued.”
“Oh, thank the gods above,” Raiju replied with a smile. “…you’re not mad, are you?” he asked, carefully edging away from her.
Shizuka smiled apologetically. “Kenny’s right. I shoulda stopped when I did. Not your fault you’re a being of electricity.”
“No kidding,” Raiju replied, looking at his fingers which were still sparking. “My mom told me when I was lil’ that she was attacked by a thunder beast when she was pregnant with me, and it and me kinda sorta… fused together. It’s where I’ve got my name from.” He looked away, unable to stop a sad sigh. “She’s been missing for a while now, and I’ve been looking for her with my own friends. I hope they’re okay. Both them and my mom…”
Shizuka had a surge of pity for the poor boy. Instinctively, she got up on the bed to hug and comfort him, unaware that he still had a bit of static charge left….
“Shizuka, w-wait DON’T-” cried Kenji.
Too late, she the static charge blew her back, before she smacked into a wall.
…okay maybe a lot.
“Sorreeeee…!” yelled Raiju.
Now Shizuka’s eyes were spinning. “I can see so many stars,” was the last thing she muttered before passing out.
The next morning, Shizuka was the first up, and feeling much better. Her hair was a bit frizzy but she had it in her trademark hair bun.
In spite of the previous night, she was the first to approach the prone Raiju, who had to sleep on the floor. “Morning,” she said, her voice still a little blank from a rather literal shock.
Raiju woke up as well… and groaned in exasperation. The mat he’d slept on had ended up wrapped around him like a sushi roll, with his head on one end and his feet on the other.
“Well, that was fun Raiju, what happened last night, at least ‘till the discharge began happening,” Shizuka laughed.
Raiju looked sheepish. “Yeah… Insulated bondage is a must if you wanna tickle me. Must’ve gotten too excited…”
There was a knock on the door at that point…
Kenji, the last to wake up, appeared at that point. “Who could that be? I didn’t order room service,” he said, rubbing his eyes.
Shizuka went to answer the door, carrying Raiju like a gigantic sushi roll. “Hello?”
“Helloooooo? Anyone home?” said a female voice. “Don’t mind me, I’m just looking for signs of intelligent li-” The other girl stopped as soon as the door swung open, seeing Raiju’s predicament. “Oh, never mind.”
The girl’s outfit was pink with purple accents and a green belt as opposed to Raiju’s blue, cyan, and yellow; she had a sleeveless pink shirt with purple cloud-patterned embroidery, green trousers, and wooden sandals over her slender feet. Elbow-length green fingerless gloves with purple wrappings over the arms covered her forearms; her lower legs had wrappings as well. Her long, cloud-white hair was tied back with a green bow with two purple feathers sticking out of it. Large, pale green eyes took one look at the situation, and she put a hand to her mouth to stifle her snickering.
Shizuka blinked. “Is she a friend of yours Raiju?”
He nodded fervently. “I was wondering where you were, Itsu! H-hi!”
“Well… At least you got a place to sleep in… right, Sparky?” She wiggled her fingers, heedless of his pleading expression, and proceeded to tickle both of Raiju’s soles at once.
All he could do was watch and flail his head about helplessly in the mat. “GWWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NOHOHOHOHO PLEEEEASE MEHEHEHERCEEEEEEE!!”
Shizuka chuckled. “Oh, so he’s your tickle toy too? We spent the day having fun with him yesterday.”
Itsu continued to tickle her friend without a care in the world. “Did you happen to use the mats? They’re surprisingly good for electrical insulation!”
“Weeeeell…” She pointed at her hair. “Let’s just say it was an afterthought.”
Right on cue, Raiju discharged a jolt of static electricity through his toes. Itsu let out a small scream, and then her hair stood on end now.
“I-I think I’ve had enough for a few days…” Raiju panted.
Shizuka chuckled. “Want me to unroll you?”
“That’d be nice, I guess…”
“Should’ve bought the protective gloves, I guess,” the other girl added, laughing. “I’m Itsumade Nakaharu, by the way,” she added, offering a hand to shake. “I’m with the Thunder Puppy, if you don’t mind me and Wanyudo taking him back with us.”
Kenji came to the door at that point.
“Hey… Hello. Who’s this, your girlfriend?” he snickered to Raiju.
Shizuka shoke her hand – and the wrapped-up boy fell with a startled cry and hit the floor quite hard. “Oof!”
“Oh, oops! Sorry.”
“…ooh, bad move,” Itsu laughed.
“Well, I’m Kenji Tosai,” said Kenji, smiling.
“Shizuka Kouchou,” added Shizuka. “And hopefully Mrs. Tosai, one day.”
Kenji got nervous when she said that, coughing a little.
“And I’m sore upside the head… guys? A little help?” asked Raiju, groaning in pain.
Kenji and Shizuka both laughed good-naturedly, before helping to pick him up. “Sorry,” they said simultaneously.
Once unrolled, he dusted himself off and sighed in relief. “Whew, I was getting kinda sweaty in there. So… You guys wanna come help us, or do you have your own things to worry about?” he asked to the others.
Shizuka tilted her head. “Help with what?”
“Finding his mom,” replied Itsumade. “There’s still a long journey ahead of us, and he can’t stand sitting around and doing nothing…” Raiju nodded at her words, looking at Shizuka expectantly.
Kenji seemed a little guilty. “Not that we don’t sympathize with you, but we’re kinda busy with our own stuff going on. But I hope you find her.”
Shizuka smiled. “Tell you what. If you happen to come across the Kouchou clan village or are in the vicinity, like, totally hit us up. Chances are, we might be there.”
“Sure thing! We’ll keep that in mind - or at least I will,” Itsumade laughed, nudging her companion’s ribs. Raiju gave her a mock death glare before turning back to the others.
“Thanks, guys, for last night. It’s been a pleasure! And sorry for zapping you, Shizuka. Though I’m pretty sure it was worth it,” he added with a chuckle.
Shizuka giggled. “It was an electifying experience,” she said.
“Shocking, even!” added Kenji.
“And I’d be ex-static to try it again with you guys next time,” Raiju replied, winking. “Though maybe with better insulated gear, just in case.”
Itsumade facepalmed, but laughed all the same. “Let’s just get going. Wanyudo will probably kill us if we’re gone too long!”
“Bye, guys!” Shizuka and Kenji said in unison.
“Take care of yourselves! And thanks, again!” said Raiju.
“Don’t be a stranger!” added Itsumade.
With that, she and Raiju set off, and the other two waved to them as headed off to continue their adventure.
Once they were safely out of sight, and on their way back to their other companion, Itsumade turned to her friend and smiled. “So… What was that again? Something about… insulated bondage?”
Raiju gulped audibly, having realized exactly how screwed he was. But needless to say, he wouldn’t have it any other way!
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