Sunday, November 26, 2017

Prometheus Busted — Part 1 (CBT)

Oh hey, my first CBT story! This here is an idea I've been entertaining for a while now and I've already started work on developing it, including discussing ideas with a friend of mine. I've always enjoyed the concept of superheroes in kinky peril (and sometimes, enjoying said peril), and I'm happy to bring this idea to life with this story here. It's going to be a multi-parter and while I don't know what the over-arching plot will be just yet, I do have an idea of how the first few chapters will go and I plan to get them posted as soon as I write them. (I may also include tickling in some of the later chapters, hint hint ;D)

The setting of this story is shared with one of my mainstream writing and worldbuilding projects, which I'll discuss more of elsewhere on the Internet in due course, but aside from a cameo from one of the characters from said project towards the end of this chapter, this is a separate story which is meant to be more fetish-fuel-focused. I may however have some of the characters which may be introduced in this story make cameos in the main project when I get around to writing it, though, who knows?

Enjoy, everyone!


Prometheus Busted — Part 1

By Skaea

Contains: F/M, M/M, and */M ballbusting, femdom, peril, violence/gore, and graphic castration.
Word Count: 6,925


Chapter 1: That Fateful Morning

It was the dawn of a bright new day in the shining city of Monumentropolis. Rising from the east coast of the United States, the beautiful skyline was a bastion of hope in a country torn by greed, bigotry, and cruelty. High above the rest of the buildings, the iconic Monolith Tower seemed to spear the heavens with its golden steeple, a beacon of liberty signaling a haven for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Here, the phrase “ordinary life” was both a common refrain and an oxymoron. Beneath its glittering exterior, the city seemed to be a magnet for every global threat imaginable in this existence. Aside from rampant crime, there were giant monsters, aliens, and even supernatural dangers from other dimensions invading almost every other hour. Nobody knew why this was the case; some had speculated that the Monolith Tower was to blame, but evidence pointed to trouble plaguing the city even before it had been constructed during the Roaring Twenties. Just how Monumentropolis had not collapsed in on itself and become lost to history would have been a mystery to all if not for one critical factor.

In a stroke of true kismet, good luck had balanced bad. Every single citizen who dwelled here, from the lowliest of the homeless to the mayor himself, somehow developed at least some modicum of supernatural talent, usually enough to put an end to the public menaces that showed up every day. How this happened was just as much of a mystery as why terrible things always seemed to gravitate towards the city itself, but nobody seemed to question it. Mysterious disappearances, mystical artifacts, magical visitors from other worlds, strange but attractive new transfer students… Literally anything could happen to anyone here, and nobody could predict who would be the next one to ascend to heroism or when that ascent would be.

Whatever the case, no matter who you are, or where you came from, in Monumentropolis, you’ll become the hero of your own saga — or the villain of someone else’s. Many, many stories have been told in this wonderous city since time immemorial, and many more will be for eons to come. This is but one of these stories.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Spider’s Web (TK)


This story was the first piece of original tickling fiction I ever wrote, and it's still one of my proudest moments as a tickle writer. I originally posted it on TklFrat before I left the place, and then I cross-posted it to Tumblr and later on to DeviantArt, so I've decided to also leave it here as my inaugural story! And anyway, I noticed that there were some parts of it that needed a little touching up, so I fixed them just for this latest post. :D

For this story, I modeled the characters featured off of a few actors I would love to get my own fingers on. It was hard to find good choices, but in short, this is what I feel they should look like or pretty close.

Narrator: Orlando Bloom (as Legolas from the Lord of the Rings)

Victim: Logan Lerman (as D'Artagnan from The Three Musketeers)

Additionally, I've been meaning to expand upon this story and make an entire world of monster-boys, because I've developed a love of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia thanks to a friend of mine and I figured we could use a gay/boys' love equivalent. To this end, this is definitely going to be made into a series eventually! I already have the sequel and general story arc plot planned out but I don't know how soon it will be before I continue with this world, seeing as I have to spend my time with a ton of other things, including commissions and other personal writings.

Anyways, enjoy, everyone!


Spider’s Web

by Skaea

Contains: M/M and */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling with some all-over tickling. Mostly SFW.
Word Count: 11,353


It was late in the afternoon, early in the summer, when the knock on the door roused me from my studying - or should I say, daydreaming.

Now, I usually take this hour of the day to pour through the multitude of wizarding sources I have collected over the years, double-checking my methods and adjusting my configurations appropriately. However, it’s also the time when my mind begins to wander, reminiscing about the young wizards who had come to visit me for various reasons over the past few years. Most of them at my expense. My life had taken a turn for the worse ever since I had gotten thrown out of the magical academic network, and one of the most notable challenges presented to young mages hoping to carve a name for themselves was to come up to my private palisade in the Forest of Nightmares. The “fetch quest” at hand tended to vary, ranging from bringing back one of my potion ingredients to obtaining a reference book for a secret art, two things which I honestly hated to lose. The problem was that I always found them, much to their detriment, but a few of the more clever ones were able to actually succeed, whether through extreme stealth or simply by breaking in while I was away. Those who weren’t so clever… well, those are the ones whom I fantasize about. Always thinking that they could waltz in without permission and challenge me directly, asking me to hand over the precious item. And then there were several quests which required actually having to defeat me and bring me back to the authorities, and one in which the poor sap had actually been sent to get rid of me permanently in an act of sheer desperation. Needless to say, the “defeat quests” all ended in, um, defeat, and that one kill quest… Well, let’s just say I don’t think I can talk about it with a straight face. That’s because I carry a dark secret, one which I swore never to reveal to anyone… until that day.

I scowled, looking up from Advanced Alchemy for the Professional Mage, wondering who would come to pilfer my stuff in the warm months, in broad daylight no less. I was just about to grab my staff and ready a snare trap when I remembered something important: Broad daylight in the warm months was the worst possible time to commit a burglary. And if this were the usual quest, the thief wouldn’t knock on the front gate.

Could it be possible that the officials had finally caught up to me? Was I to be hauled away and cast into a cell for the rest of my life? Or maybe offered a chance of pardon on the grounds that the legislation had acted on insufficient evidence? I was prepared to accept anything they offered, maybe even accept being incarcerated. I had been hiding in the dark for far too long, and it was about time someone did something about it.


Hello everyone! This is Skaea Daimonion here, starting off a blog for my fetish stories, fanfictions, and other kinky goodness! I've been planning on setting up a Blogspot to store all my NSFW ideas in for a while now and I'm glad to have the time to do so now! I've had lots of ideas ever since I started indulging in NSFW content online, mostly in the tickling sector; I've been branching out to other fetishes as well since then, though, and I plan to write both playful and hardcore fetish stuff for my future writings. I'm okay with writing both genders as victims, but preferential to males - that's been a thing since my teenage years and I hope I can deliver in that regard.

Content I will be posting will include the following:

  • Tickling and foot fetishism (though mostly the former)
  • Sounding and urethral play
  • CBT and ballbusting
  • Penetration and orifice invasion
  • Supernatural, fantasy, and sci-fi fetish fiction
  • Monster girls/guys
One thing I should note is that every single one of these stories is pure fantasy. I don't plan to write any "real world" stories involving ordinary people and circumstances, since those have already been handled many times before by other people on the blogosphere. I've always been interested however in the supernatural and I've demanded more of that in fetish fiction for a long while, so that's the kind of thing you'll be seeing here from this point forward. Additionally, for the hardcore stories I'll be posting, there will be flags and explicit warnings for such, and I must stress that the hazardous things presented should not be tried at home. The subjects I plan to write about are way more durable and endowed than any of us could ever hope to be, and reenacting such fantasies is very ill-advised unless you want to get seriously injured. This applies to my secondary fetishes (CBT, sounding, and penetration) mostly, though the tickling scenarios I plan to write about may also involve superhuman endurance or dangerous circumstances that should not be imitated, either. Once again, I'll tag each and every story as appropriate, with hardcore flags where applicable.

With that, welcome aboard, and I look forward to a lot of juicy kinky writings in the future! :)


Garreg Mach's Newest Class (TK)

While taking a rest in the monastery courtyard, Byleth gets caught off-guard by Edelgard and Dorothea, and discovers that a certain rumor ab...