Happy Black Friday and belated U.S. Thanksgiving, everyone! I am so, SO sorry that I haven't been able to produce any writing AT ALL recently - in no small part due to a combination of pandemic-related holdups, a project change at work, and house repairs have been occupying a lot of my time as of late, and most of the rest of it has been focused on creating art for my Patreon as well as commissions. I do want to return to writing eventually, but I don't know when and certainly don't know whether or not I'll get the spark of inspiration needed to resume certain stories I've wanted to for a while. Still, you never know. Maybe something creative might occur to me eventually. We'll see!
I have, however, been able to produce writing regardless, including two stories exclusive to my Patreon... and also this. A good friend of mine has been producing tickle stories for the various entries in the Fire Emblem franchise (and some other series as well on the side) for a very long time, and having read a good number of them, I wondered if it was possible for them to produce one for two characters from said franchise that I've been hoping to see tickle stuff of. So much so, in fact, that I actually managed to talk another friend into engaging in an art trade with me featuring the characters in question at the start of this year (which was, admittedly, motivated in part by a certain controversial DLC announcement for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that occurred at around that time, though we'd actually thought of the idea before said announcement). Imagine my surprise when, upon my asking my writer friend, they were willing to write a story based on the illustrations produced for said trade! Despite my originally stating my intent to just proofread, I ended up helping to co-author the story in question, since even though a lot of the writing was indeed made by my co-writer, most of the ideas were actually mine... not that that's a bad thing necessarily though, lol. I also got the permission from another artist I'm friends with to write in an artwork of his own that I figured would fit this story perfectly, too - so for this cross-post, I decided to include all three pics (meaning mine and the other two) including source and creator links at the appropriate points in this story, and credit to my co-author is also provided at the end. Go support everyone who contributed either directly or otherwise when you get the chance!
We hope you enjoy this story, and I certainly hope I can get back in the groove to write fetish stuff soon! I have another story in my backlog that was originally a Patreon exclusive which I will share either at the end of this month or early next, but other than that I'll need to actually make more writing if I am to keep this blog alive. Who knows? Perhaps with luck and a stroke of inspiration, I might be able to have another story ready by Christmas! ;)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (c) Nintendo, Intelligent Systems
"Manners maketh man." That was what Byleth had told the leader of the Golden Deer house that one time, shortly after he had found out about one of his greatest weaknesses. A weakness that could fell grown men and topple armies, and yet one so mundane that the number of people who didn't possess it could be counted on one hand…
"Remember again, class. Despite this being an exercise, your 'enemies' tomorrow are warriors of the church who have been trained personally by the Archbishop. You're all to take this very seriously."
All of the Golden Deer gave out an enthusiastic "Yes Professor," save one. Instead, he simply mouthed it soundlessly before flashing a cheeky smile to his pink-haired cohort. Both started at a rather harsh bark of "CLAUDE!" from none other than their professor, Byleth.
"Claude, would you mind repeating to me the objective of today's drill?"
"Teach, is your memory going? Tomorrow, we're all to protect you from the 'evil' church troops who are going to try and sneak up on us here at the cliff. If they take you then we'll have officially failed our tactics class for the week. Help refresh your memory, Teach?"
"Why yes it did, Mr. Riegan, but it also gave me an idea. You see, since you seem to be doubting the tactics of the monastery's troops, perhaps we should give them an edge."
Byleth turned smartly on his heel and strode away from the class as Lorenz stared daggers at his house leader.
"At noon sharp tomorrow, I will command your opponents, and Mr. von Riegan will be your commander. Should he be captured, you will all not only fail your tactics class for the week, but I'll expect to see you all doing some volunteer work as well. Best of luck to you all. Oh, and Claude?"
"Yes, Teach?"
"I'm arranging a meet with you at the library at precisely three in the afternoon. We'll have to review the necessary strategic theory if you wish to win this match. I am absolutely, positively sure that as the leader of House Golden Deer, you won't disappoint me.
Claude's smile never faltered as the others watched their professor march out of the classroom. The rest of the class, however, responded with various noises of exasperation.
“It’s not my fault I fell asleep in the sauna, Hilda! It’s relaxing in there, and I know you’ve dozed off in there a couple of times.”
“Yes, Claude, but never when people were waiting for me.”
“Oh? Cyril was all done with his chores then?”
“Claude! I don’t know what Cyril was doing…”
The two of them were out in the courtyard, the day after the exercise in question. Claude was recounting the events of the day before and what, precisely, had kept him so occupied.
“Probably whatever you told him, miss slave driver," he shot back. "I heard he was busy with polishing Lady Rhea’s favorite tea-set today so good luck getting him to take care of any of your chores.”
Hilda crossed her arms and glared at her comrade. “It was her favorite tea set, at least before yesterday. Now, stop trying to change the subject! Where were you, Claude?”
“Well, if you must know, I was having a wonderful nap out by the fishing pond. I’d like you to keep that to yourself as I’ve grown fond of that little spot.”
Hilda's fists balled, and she wondered if she should go get her ax at that moment. “Great, so we were all doing extra work because you needed some extra shut-eye?!”
“Was it that bad an experience, Hilda? C’mon, Lorenz’ face alone made it worth it.”
"Don't remind me," Hilda muttered. "You and your big mouth…"
Claude bristled a little. "What? I was just giving it to the Professor as straight as I could!"
“And look how that turned out." Hilda shook her head. "So… What were you doing at the pond, anyhow?"