"soraSTOCKER" by DazidentEvil
Woo, first fanfiction on this blog! In light of all the hype for Kingdom Hearts III, I decided that a certain big-footed cutie-pie who gets targeted by pretty much everyone and their mom in the tickling community would be a perfect choice for a new tickle fic, especially because I needed a muse for such and I think the advent of KH3 is as good a time as any to work with it. Besides, I figured something sweet and fluffy would make a nice change of pace compared to the INCREDIBLE VIOLENCE of the last few stories I've posted. XD
The above picture is more or less the entire inspiration for this piece, and I whole-heartedly recommend checking out DazidentEvil's DeviantArt gallery for more wonderful tickle art (though there's a plethora of female and anthro tickles, he's done quality male as well for my taste). I also deliberately made the timing of this story ambiguous, ostensibly so you can insert it into virtually any stage of Sora's journey. It would certainly be nice to imagine this happening in a deleted scene in KH3 when it comes out sometime this year, though I suppose you could imagine it occurring at any time from KH2 onward. In reality, though, it's probably my lack of canon knowledge that led to that decision - I haven't played a single KH game due to lacking the proper consoles for any of them, and all I know about the franchise is from the strategy guides and part of a walkthrough of the first game. Still, I hope I did a good enough job capturing Sora's characterization, and that my inexperience with the lore hasn't prevented me from doing this scenario and the accompanying illustration the justice they deserve! :)
Kingdom Hearts (c) Disney and Square Enix
Heartless, But Not Hopeless
by Skaea
Contains: */M tickling, concentrating on foot tickling. SFW.
Word Count: 2,435
________________________________________Sora was feeling lonely. Donald and Goofy were back at the Gummi ship, getting it repaired after a particularly nasty crash-landing, and who knew where in the multiverse Riku and Kairi were. It seemed as though everyone in his life was excessively busy, and had almost no time to spend with him at all.
Sitting in the shade of a large tree, he stared up into the sky, thinking about the life he’d been forced to leave behind so long ago. So many things had changed since that time, whether he’d liked it or not.
He didn’t want to show it, especially not on the Gummi ship, but Sora felt lonely. His traveling partners were wonderful company on his adventures, but even though he didn’t want to admit it to their faces, he still felt it just wasn’t the same as the two people he’d known since childhood. What he would do to have them back – no, what he would do to have the old Riku and Kairi back. The Riku and Kairi he’d known before the Heartless invasion of their island home had resulted in all three being separated from each other, and being changed so much that there was probably no returning to the blissful, halcyon days they’d used to enjoy together.
Perhaps Kairi might welcome him back. But he wasn’t sure if the same could be said for Riku now, now that he’d fallen out with him several times throughout their journey. Even if they’d settled their differences after that, it didn’t change how much it had hurt.
Maybe he shouldn’t be feeling this way. Maybe he should continue keeping up a brave front, wearing a smile on his face and letting his companions think he was okay. But how could he be okay when his world was not?